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Summary Research grants & projects Awards & honors
Published papers Books Academic conference presentation


   SHIMIZU Tatsuya
   YAMATO Masayuki
Associate Professor:
   SEKINE Hidekazu
   TAMURA Manabu
   MATSUURA Katsuhisa
Assistant Professor:
   AKIYAMA Yoshikatsu
   TAKAHASHI Hironobu
   NAKAYAMA Masamichi
Assistant Professor:
   KIKUCHI Tetsutarou
   TAKAGI Riyou
   TAKADA Takuma
   Shinako Masuda
   YOSHIDA Azumi
   HONMA Jiyun
   OOSAWA Shigehito
   KAMATA Kazuaki
   SASAKI Daisuke
   HARA Tsukasa

   FUJITA Kiyouhei
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
1.    (Grant No.:22-201031452)
 Budget amount:\58,500,000  (分担)
2.    (Grant No.:22mk0101189h0102)
 Budget amount:\2,730,000  (分担)
3.    (Grant No.:22hk0402008j0004)
 Budget amount:\9,988,419  (代表)
4.    (Grant No.:23bm1423005h0001)
 Budget amount:\39,000,000  (代表)
5.    (Grant No.:MS5-03培養肉)
 Budget amount:\180,291,000  (代表)
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■ Awards & honors
1.  SAKAGUCHI Katsuhisa, TOBE Yusuke, HOMMA Jun, SEKINE Hidekazu, MATSUURA Katsuhisa, SHIMIZU Tatsuya TERMIS-AP 2023, Best Poster Presentation Award (General)
2.  MIURA Koichiro International Heart Journal Association, Ueda Heart Awards, Second Place (2023.11)
3.   Surgical Process Identification System in Awake Surgery for Glioma
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
First authorCorresponding
Co-authorFirst authorCorresponding
Co-author First authorCo-authorFirst authorCo-author PresenterCo-presenterPresenterCo-presenter PresenterCo-presenter
 7 3 3 6 10 23  0 2 0 2  26 26  9 24  3 5
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. TAKIZAWA Yuki, MORINO Tsunetaro, TAKAGI Ryo, OTORI Nobuyoshi, KOJIMA Hiromi, YAMATO Masayuki*:  Effect of basic fibroblast growth factor with collagen/gelatin fixture in a rabbit model of nasal septum perforation.  Regenerative therapy  25 :387-394 , 2024.3   DOI:10.1016/j.reth.2024.02.001
2. Kellan Malcolm*, Pomicpi Janrone, Akiyama Yoshikatsu:  6-ring Piperidine-based Polymers with both Upper and Lower Critical Solutions Temperatures as Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors.  Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research  63 (10) :4265-4272 , 2024.2   DOI:10.1021/acs.iecr.3c04123 Link
3. NISHIMAKIKazuhiro, KAIBUCHINobuyuki*, WASHIOKaoru, YAMATOMasayuki:  Application of mesenchymal stromal cell sheets to prevent medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw with titanium implants in rats.  Odontology  112 (3) :938-949 , 2024.2   DOI:10.1007/s10266-024-00900-w
4. TSUZUKI Shunsuke, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro, NITTA Masayuki, SAITO Taiichi, MARUYAMA Takashi, KORIYAMA Shunichi, TAMURA Manabu, KAWAMATA Takakazu:  Information-guided Surgery Centered on Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guarantees Surgical Safety with Low Mortality.  Neurologia medico-chirurgica  64 (2) :57-64 , 2024.2   DOI:10.2176/jns-nmc.2022-0340
5. OSAWA Shigehito*, AKIYAMA Yoshikatsu*:  Mechanical properties of poly(N-acryloyl-glycinamide) hydrogels dependent on initiation number of the polymerization reaction.  ChemistrySelect  9 (6) :e202400244 , 2024.2   DOI:10.1002/slct.202400244
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Review article
1. 高木亮*:  細胞シートによる再生医療の最前線.  ファルマシア  60 (3) :209-213 , 2024.2
2. 貝淵信之:  口腔外科における細胞シート治療 -薬剤関連顎骨壊死の新規治療法-.  Precision Medicine  7 (1) :32-35 , 2024.1
3. 大和雅之:  細胞治療の変遷と未来.  プレシジョン メディシン  7 (1) :11-15 , 2024.1
4. 正宗賢:  外科治療支援技術開発における医工連携.  医学のあゆみ  287 (1) :72-78 , 2023.10
5. 正宗賢:  手術支援ロボット・マニピュレータ.  日本コンピュータ外科学会誌  25 (2) :50-52 , 2023.7   DOI:10.5759/jscas.25.50
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Case report
1. KAIBUCHI NOBUYUKI, AKAGI YUICHI, KAGAWA CHIE, SHIBAYAMA CHISA, Yoko Kawase-Koga, OKAMOTO Toshihiro:  Squamous cell carcinoma of mandibular gingiva producing both parathyroid hormone-related protein and granulocyte colony- stimulating factor: a case report.  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  2024 (2) :1-6 , 2024.2
1. 小林純:  学会印象記 第72回高分子討論会.  バイオマテリアル−生体材料−  42 (1) :97 , 2024.1
2. 髙田卓磨, 菊地鉄太郎, 清水達也:  細胞シート開発の最新の話題.  カレントテラピー  42 (1) :79 , 2024.1
3. MURAKAMI Daisuke*, OURA Hirotaka, YAMATO Masayuki, NISHINO Takayoshi, ARAI Makoto:  The role of clear visibility in underwater endoscopic submucosal dissection for preventing post-endoscopic submucosal dissection electrocoagulation syndrome.  Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology  38 (11) :2040-2041 , 2023.9   DOI:10.1111/jgh.16352
4. Duda Dan, Dima Simona, Sorop Andrei, Kitahara Shuji, Setia Namrata, Chivu-Economescu Mihaela, Matei Lilia, Herlea Vlad, Pechianu Nicolae, Inomata Takenori, Matsui Aya, Khachatryan Anna, Aoki Shuichi, Lauwers Gregory, Popescu Irinel:  A tumor microenvironment-based classification of gastric cancer for more effective diagnosis and treatment.  Research square  :0-0 , 2023.8   DOI:10.21203/
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■ Books
1. 正宗賢:  第23章 コンピュータ外科
C.事故対策・使用上の注意.  MEの基礎知識と安全管理(改訂第8版)  331-333.  南江堂,  東京都, 2023.12
2. TSUZUKI Shunsuke, OKAMOTO Jun, TAMURA Manabu, MASAMUNE Ken, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro:  Development of a New Operating Room That Integrates Imaging Information.  Fluorescence-Guided Surgery  237-245.  Springer,  Singapore, 2023.10
3. 本間順:  小児における心筋再生と再生医療.  小児救命救急・ICU ピックアップ 7 ECMO  313-316.  メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル,  東京, 2023.9
4. Matsuura Katsuhisa, SHIMIZU Tatsuya:  Cardiac cell sheet engineering for regenerative medicine and tissue modeling.  Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science  179-197.  Elsevier,  オランダ, 2023.6
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎高橋宏信: 再生医療技術が貢献する新しい食肉生産技術の開発.  第23回日本再生医療学会総会,  新潟市,  2024/03
2. ◎IIDA Tatsuro, MATSUURA Katsuhisa, TAKADA Takuma, KOIKE Toshiharu, YAMAGUCHI JUNICHI, SHIMIZU Tatsuya: Fibroblasts Regulate Cardiomyocyte Alignment and Enable the Fabrication of 3D Cardiac Tissue with Layered Aligned Cardiomyocytes at Different Angles.  第88回 日本循環器学会学術集会,  Kobe Convention Bureau,  2024/03
3. ◎IIDA Tatsuro, MATSUURA Katsuhisa, TAKAHASHI Hironobu, TAKADA Takuma, KOIKE Toshiharu, KIKUCHI Tetsutaro, YAMAGUCHI JUNICHI, SHIMIZU Tatsuya: Construction of three-dimensional iPS myocardial tissue by stacking oriented sheets.  Award session in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Week 2023 /The 7th JCS Council Forum on Basic Cardiovascular Research(JCS Council-BCVR),  神戸国際会議場,  2023/12
4. ◎IIDA Tatsuro, MATSUURA Katsuhisa, TAKAHASHI Hironobu, TAKADA Takuma, KOIKE Toshiharuu, KIKUCHI Tetsutaro, YAMAGUCHI JUNICHI, SHIMIZU Tatsuya: Fabrication of Quasi-isotropic Layered 3D Tissue by Aligned Human IPS Cell-derived Cardiomyocytes.  2023 TERMIS-AP Student Presentation Contest,  中国(Web),  2023/12
5. ◎SHIMIZU Tatsuya: Diversity of Tissue Engineering --from Regenerative Therapy to Food Production--.  Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology(JAACT) 2023 Nagoya,  Nagoya, Japan,  2023/11
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