Academic yr: <<< Previous 2020 2021 2022 | 2023 | 2024 Next >>>
Summary Research grants & projects Organized conferences / workshops
Awards & honors Published papers Books
Academic conference presentation


   SHIMIZU Tatsuya
   MURAGAKI Yoshihiro
   YAMATO Masayuki
Associate Professor:
   SEKINE Hidekazu
   TAMURA Manabu
   MATSUURA Katsuhisa
   KITAHARA Shiyuuji
Assistant Professor:
   AKIYAMA Yoshikatsu
   TAKAHASHI Hironobu
   NAKAYAMA Masamichi
   NITSUTA Masayuki
Assistant Professor:
   KIKUCHI Tetsutarou
   SEKIYA Sachiko
   TAKAGI Riyou
   TAKADA Takuma
   Shinako Masuda
   HONMA Jiyun
   OOSAWA Shigehito
   SASAKI Daisuke
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
1.    (Grant No.:SSU52-426-戦)
 Budget amount:\11,200,000  (Co-investigator)
2.    (Grant No.:22he0122008j0003)
 Budget amount:\2,200,000  (Co-investigator)
3.    (Grant No.:22-201031452)
 Budget amount:\47,918,000  (Co-investigator)
4.    (Grant No.:22mk0101189h0102)
 Budget amount:\2,730,000  (Co-investigator)
5.    (Grant No.:22ek0109440h0003)
 Budget amount:\8,450,000  (Co-investigator)
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■ Organized conferences / workshops
1.  CARS 2022 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 36th International Congress and Exhibition    2022/06
2.  The 31st Annual Congress of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery    2022/06
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■ Awards & honors
1.  OKANO Teruo National Institute for Materials Science, NIMS Award 2022
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
First authorCorresponding
Co-authorFirst authorCorresponding
Co-author First authorCo-authorFirst authorCo-author PresenterCo-presenterPresenterCo-presenter PresenterCo-presenter
 9 3 7 14 21 28  0 5 0 2  47 94  6 18  8 1
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. KAKEHI Roka, YOSHIDA Azumi, TAKAHASHI Hironobu*, SHIMIZU Tatsuya:  Repeated and long-term cryopreservation of primary bovine myogenic cells to maintain quality in biomimetic cultured meat.  Frontiers in Sustainable Food System  7 :1023057 , 2023.2   DOI:10.3389/fsufs.2023.1023057
2. FUKUYA Yasukazu, TAMURA Manabu, NITTA Masayuki, SAITO Taiichi, TSUZUKI Shunsuke, KORIYAMA Shunichi, KUWANO Atsushi, KAWAMATA Takakazu, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro:  Tumor volume and calcifications as indicators for preoperative differentiation of grade II/III diffuse gliomas.  Journal of neuro-oncology  161 (3) :555-562 , 2023.2   DOI:10.1007/s11060-023-04244-3
3. GUPTA Nisha, OCHIAI Hiroki, HOSHINO Yoshinori, KLEIN Sebastian, ZUSTIN Jozef, RAMJIAWAN Rakesh R, KITAHARA Shuji, MAIMON Nir, BAZOU Despina, CHIANG Sarah, LI Sen, SCHANNE Daniel H,, JAIN Rakesh K, MUNN Lance L, HUANG Peigen,, KOZIN Sergey V, DUDA Dan G:  Inhibition of CXCR4 Enhances the Efficacy of Radiotherapy in Metastatic Prostate Cancer Models.  Cancers  15 (4) :1021 , 2023.2   DOI:10.3390/cancers15041021
4. Bin Wang, Kyungsook Kim, Mi Tian, Sumako Kameishi, Lili Zhuang, Teruo Okano, Yufeng Huang:  Engineered Bone Marrow Stem Cell-Sheets Alleviate Renal Damage in a Rat Chronic Glomerulonephritis Model.  International journal of molecular sciences  24 (4) :3711 , 2023.2   DOI:10.3390/ijms24043711
5. OHKI Takeshi*, OTA Masaho, TAKAGI Ryo, OKANO Teruo, YAMAMOTO Masakazu:  Long-term outcomes of regenerative treatment by endoscopic oral mucosal epithelial cell sheet transplantation for the prevention of esophageal stricture after endoscopic resection.  Journal of Immunology and Regenerative Medicine  19 :1000067 , 2023.2   DOI:10.1016/j.regen.2022.100067
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Review article
1. 近藤英幸, 正宗賢:  医療機器の製造販売後データ収集関連規制の日米欧比較及び使用成績評価制度に関する調査研究.  医療機器産業研究所 リサーチペーパー  (38) :1-93 , 2023.3
2. 本間順:  再生医療の小児領域における可能性と次世代の再生医療.  小児科  64 (3) :253-262 , 2023.3
3. MURAGAKI Yoshihiro, ISHIKAWA Eiichi , MARUYAMA Takashi, NITTA Masayuki, SAITO Taiichi, IKUTA Soko, KOMORI Takashi, KAWAMATA Takakazu, YAMAMOTO Tetsuya, TSUBOI Koji, MATSUMURA Akira, NAKAMURA Hideo, KURODA Junichiro, ABE Tatsuya, MOMII Yasutomo, SAITO Ryuta, TOMIINAGA Teiji,, TABEI Yusuke, SUZUKI Ichiro, ARAKAWA Yoshiki, MIYAMOTO Susumu, MATSUTANI Masao, KARASAWA Katsuyuki, NAKAZATO Yoichi, MAEBAYASHI Katsuya, HASHIMOTO Koichi, OHNO Tadao:  A multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled phase IIb trial of an autologous formalin-fixed tumor vaccine for newly diagnosed glioblastomas.  Journal of neurosurgery  139 (2) :344-354 , 2023.1   DOI:10.3171/2022.12.JNS221221
4. 松浦勝久, 清水達也:  3次元浮遊撹拌懸濁培養によるiPS細胞の大量培養の現状と展望.  生物工学会誌  100 (12) :660-665 , 2022.12   DOI:
5. 北原秀治, 細田満和子, 葉山靖明:  ピアサポートのDX化—バーチャル空間を活用して.  作業療法ジャーナル  56 (12) :1258-1263 , 2022.11   DOI:10.11477/mf.5001203192
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Case report
1. OSHIMA Rie, IKEGUCHI Ryotaro, WAKO Syo, MIZUNO Takafumi, ABE Kayoko, NITTA Masayuki, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro, KAWAMATA Takakazu, MASUI Kento, YAMAMOTO Tomoko, SHIBATA Noriyuki, SHIMIZU Yuko, KITAGAWA Kazuo:  IgG4-related brain pseudotumor mimicking CNS lymphoma. A case report.  Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology  42 (6) :526-533 , 2022.12   DOI:10.1111/neup.12839
1. MASUI Kenta, NITTA Masayuki, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro, KAWAMATA Takakazu, SATOMI Kaishi, MATSUSHITA Yuko, YOSHIDA Akihiko, ICHIMURA Koichi, TSUDA Masum, TANAKA Shinya, KOMORI Takashi:  A case of "genetically defined" radiation-induced glioma: 29 years after surgery and radiation for pilocytic astrocytoma.  Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology  43 (5) :425-428 , 2023.3   DOI:10.1111/neup.12903
2. MASUI Kenta, ONIZUKA Hiromi, NITTA Masayuki, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro, KAWAMATA Takakazu, KOMORI Takashi:  Recurrent high-grade astrocytoma with somatic mosaicism of isocitrate dehydrogenase gene mutation.  Pathology international  73 (3) :144-146 , 2023.3   DOI:10.1111/pin.13308
3. 清水達也:  培養肉開発の現状と展望 ~再生医療との共創~.  再生医療  22 (1) :24-29 , 2023.1
4. MAKIMOTO Atsushi, ERDEICH-EPSTEIN Anat, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro:  Editorial: Developmental therapeutics in pediatric neuro-oncology.  Frontiers in oncology  13 :1134168 , 2023.1   DOI:10.3389/fonc.2023.1134168
5. 中山正道, 清水達也:  東京女子医科大学 バイオメディカル・カリキュラム ~新しい先端医療産業を創出する人材教育の実践~.  バイオマテリアル-生体材料-  41 (1) :34-37 , 2023.1
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■ Books
1. 清水達也:  培養肉.  いのちの不思議を考えよう⑤ マンガdeひもとく生命科学のいま ドッキン!いのちの不思議調査隊  26-43.  朝日新聞出版,  東京, 2023.3
2. 大和雅之:  5-1 細胞シート工学.  臨床工学ライブラリーシリーズ5 ヴィジュアルでわかるバイオマテリアル  122-124.  秀潤社,  東京, 2023.3
3. 村垣善浩:  ハイブリッド手術室と術中画像診断.  最新主要文献でみる 脳神経外科学レビュー 2023-'24  360-368.  総合医学社,  東京都, 2022.10
4. 岩﨑清隆, 梅津光生, 伊関洋, 八木高伸, 吉光喜太郎, 朴栄光, 秋山省一:  バイオデザイン 第2版(日本語版).  ステージ4 コンセプト選別 4.5 コンセプト探求と評価、4.6 最終コンセプト選択  アクラレント社ケーススタディ:ステージ4  354-439.  薬事日報社,  東京都, 2022.8
5. HIGASHI Yuhei, HOMMA Jum, SEKINE Hidekazu:  Organ Bioluminescence Imaging Under Machine Perfusion Setting for Assessing Quality of Harvested Organ Preservation.  Methods in molecular biology, Bioluminescence: Methods and Protocols  309-320.  Springer Nature,  New York, USA, 2022.7 Link
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎飯田達郎, 松浦勝久, 高橋宏信, 髙田卓磨, 小池俊晴, 山口淳一, 清水達也: Fibroblast alignment control regulates cardiomyocyte alignment in the bioengineered cardiac tissue.  第87回日本循環器学会学術集会,  福岡,  2023/03
2. SHIMIZUTatsuya: Circular Food Production System Using Algae & Animal Cell Culture.  22nd IUNS-International Congress of Nutrition,  Tokyo, Japan,  2022/12
3. ◎Kumiko Yamanaka, Yuji Haraguchi, Hironobu Takahashi, Ikko Kawashima, Tatsuya Shimizu: A novel culture medium for cultured meat production using microalgae-derived nutrients and mammalian cell-secreted growth factors: Development of serum-free and grain-derived nutrient-free medium.  22nd IUNS-ICN International congress of nutrition in Tokyo,  Tokyo, Japan,  2022/12
4. ◎SHIMIZU Tatsuya: Introduction to Shimizu Project “Bio-economical Food Production System Using Circular Cell Culture of Algae and Animal Cells.  International Symposium on Research and Development for Future Foods and Health in Moonshot Projects,  Tokyo, Japan,  2022/11
5. KATO Fumihiro, AKIYAMA Yoshikatsu, KAMISHIMA Kaito, IWATA Hiroyasu: A Pain Sensor for Telexistence Robot Skin - Self-healing Gel Induced by Temperature Stimulus and Vision Based Healing Assessment-.  IROS2022 WS HORIZONS OF AN EXTENDED ROBOTICS REALITY A CONVERGING FUTURE OF XR AND ROBOTICS,  Kyoto, Japan,  2022/10
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 :First Author