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 足立医療センター 放射線科
概要 当該年度の研究費受入状況 学術雑誌

   上野 惠子
   町田 治彦
   鈴木 一史
   増川 愛
   森田 賢
■ 概要
■ 当該年度の研究費受入状況
■ 当該年度研究業績数一覧表
学術雑誌 著書 学会発表 その他
和文英文 和文英文 国内国際
筆 頭Corresponding
共 著筆 頭Corresponding
共 著 筆 頭共 著筆 頭共 著 演 者共 演演 者共 演 演 者共 演
 1 1 2 7 7 5  0 0 0 0  0 13  2 2  0 0
■ 学術雑誌
1. Morita Satoru, Masukawa Ai, Suzuki Kazufumi, Hirata Masami, Kojima Shinya, Ueno Eiko:  Unenhanced MR angiography: techniques and clinical applications in patients with chronic kidney disease.  Radiographics  31 (2) :13-33 , 2011.3
2. 青木佐知子, 武井泰彦, 鈴木一史, 増川愛, 新井寧子, 余田敬子, 西田超:  半規管立体構造と温度反応垂直成分との関連.  Equilibrium Research  69 (6) :424 , 2010.12
3. Morita Satoru, Suzuki Kazufumi, Masukawa Ai, Kojima Shinya, Ueno Eiko:  Identification of efferent flow in the superior vana cava and azygos vein confluence using cine phase-contrast MRI: Speculation of the role of the azygos arch valves.  Magnetic Resonance Imaging  28 (9) :1306-1310 , 2010.11
4. Katada Yoshiaki, Yasumoto Mayumi, Ishii Chikako, Tanaka Hiroshi, Nakamoto Kazuya, Ohashi Isamu, Nozaki Miwako:  Differentiation between hepatic haemangiomas and cysts with an inversion recovery single-shot turbo spin-echo (SSTSE) sequence using the TI nulling value of hepatic haemangioma with sensitivity encoding.  European radiology  20 (9) :2241-7 , 2010.9   DOI:10.1007/s00330-010-1770-2
5. Suzuki S, Furui S, Ishitake T, Abe T, Machida H, Takei R, Ibukuro K, Watanabe A, Kidouchi T, Nakano Y:  Lens exposure during brain scans using multidetector row CT scanners: methods for estimation of lens dose.  AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology  31 (5) :822-6 , 2010.5   DOI:10.3174/ajnr.A1946
1. 森田賢, 増川愛, 鈴木一史, 上野惠子, 高木耕一郎:  癒着胎盤のMRI診断.  映像情報Medical  42 (5) :512 , 2010.5
2. Morita Satoru ,Ueno Eiko ,Masukawa Ai ,Suzuki Kazufumi ,Machida Haruhiko ,Fujimura Mikihiko:  Hyperattenuating signs at unenhanced CT indicating acute vascular disease.  Radiographics  30 (1) :111-125 , 2010   DOI:10.1148/rg.301095052
1. Katada Yoshiaki, Ouchi Kunie, Wakita Toshihiko, Nozaki Miwako:  Liquid sclerotherapy for posttraumatic arteriovenous fistula of the radialis indicis artery.  Journal of vascular surgery  52 (5) :1343-5 , 2010.11   DOI:10.1016/j.jvs.2010.05.092
2. 河村俊治, 西川俊郎, 野口玲, 中島崇智, 宇都健太, 金井佐恵子, 小田秀明, 木村文子, 萩原誠久, 小林槇雄:  イメージング 生前の心筋遅延造影MRI像と部検心臓病理組織像とを比較検討したALアミロイドーシスの1例.  心臓  42 (10) :1362 , 2010
3. SUZUKI Kazufumi, MORITA SAtoru, MASUKAWA Ai, MACHIDA Haruhiko, UENO Eiko:  Diagnosing a large slowly enhanced cerebral aneurysm using four-dimensional multiphase dynamic contrast-enhanced computed tomography angiography.  Japanese Journal of Radiology  28 (6) :680-3 , 2010   DOI:10.1007/s11604-010-0469-2
■ 学会発表
1. ◎Morita Satoru ,Suzuki Kazufumi ,Masukawa Ai ,Ueno Eiko: Patient Management with a Point-of-Care Creatinine Meter before Using Contrast Materials.  96th scientific assembly and annual meeting of RSNA,  Chicago USA,  2010/11
2. ◎Suzuki Kazufumi: Open Source Software to Integrate OsiriX into FileMaker Pro Database.  the 96th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA),  Chicago, the United States of America,  2010/11
3. ◎Suzuki Kazufumi: Reducing Radiation Exposure in CT Perfusion Using New Advanced Reconstruction Method.  the 96th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA),  Chicago, the United States of America,  2010/11
4. ◎Morita Satoru ,Kojima Shinya ,Hirata Masami ,Suzuki M ,Suzuki Kazufumi ,Masukawa Ai ,Ueno Eiko: Unenhanced ECG-gated Fast Spin-echo MR Digital Subtraction Angiography (MRDSA) using SPACE of Femoral Arteries: Initial Experience in healthy volunteers.  18th Annual Meeting of ISMRM,  Stockholm Sweden,  2010/05
5. ◎町田治彦, 田中功, 福井利佳, 平田政己, 小島慎也, 上野惠子, 立石渉, 片岡豪, 中野清治: 心臓CT及びMRIが診断に有用であったprominent crista terminalisの1例.  第72回心臓血管放射線研究会,  松山,  2011/01
  :Corresponding Author