(Last updated : 2024-07-16 17:00:24)
  NOHARA Michiko
   Department   Center for Medical and Nursing Education, Center for Medical and Nursing Education  Center for Medical and Nursing Education Division of Education
   Position   Professor
■ Published papers
1. Original article  Determinants of Awareness of Clinical Practice Guidelines among Healthcare Users in Japan 2023/01/07
2. Original article  A survety on working environment and health management of truck drivers in small businesses 2022/12/10
3. Other  digest of science of 2022/07/01
4. Original article  Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study on PMS/PMDD and Stress Factors in the Life of Female Medical Students 2021/12/01
5. Original article  Does Family with Children Need Information about Infectious Disease? 2018/12
Display all(24)
■ Academic conference presentation
1. Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study on PMS/PMDD and Possible Causal Stress Factors in the Life of Female Medical Students  2017/03/08
2. Time and motion study of physicians' workflow in university hospital  2013/05/16
3. Social Difficulties of Middle-age Japanese Women Physicians  2004/10
■ Research areas
Hygiene and public health: including laboratory approach, Hygiene and public health: including laboratory approach, Hygiene and public health: including laboratory approach 
■ Academic society memberships
1. Japan Society of Women's Health
■ Education
1. 2006/05~2011/08 〔Master degree program〕, The University of Melbourne, Completed, Master of Women's Health
2. 2001/12
Degree Acquisition
Tokyo Women's Medical University,
3. 1988/04~1994/03 Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Graduated,
■ Academic & professional experience
1. 2007/01~2007/12 visiting researcher