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 八千代医療センター 病理診断科
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


   中澤 匡男
Assistant Professor:
   長谷川 敦子
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Chapel DB, Schulte JJ, Absenger G, Attanoos R, Brcic L, Butnor KJ, Chirieac L, Churg A, Galateau-Sallé F, Hiroshima K, Hung YP, Kindler H, Krausz T, Marchevsky A, Mino-Kenudson M, Mueller J, Nabeshima K, Turaga K, Walts AE, Husain AN.:  Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma: prognostic significance of clinical and pathologic parameters and validation of a nuclear-grading system in a multi-institutional series of 225 cases.  Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc  34 (2) :380-385 , 2021.2   DOI:10.1038/s41379-020-00688-4
2. Hiroshima K, Wu D, Hamakawa S, Tsuruoka S, Ozaki D, Orikasa H, Hasegawa M, Koh E, Sekine Y, Yonemori Y, Nabeshima K, Tsuji S, Miyagi Y, Imai K:  HEG1, BAP1, and MTAP are useful in cytologic diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma with effusion.  Diagnostic cytopathology  49 (5) :622-632 , 2020.11   DOI:10.1002/dc.24475 Link
3. Hiroshima K*, Yoshizawa A, Takenaka A, Haba R, Kawahara K, Minami Y, Kakinuma H, Shibuki Y, Miyake S, Kajio K, Miyamoto K, Nagatomo M, Nishimura S, Mano M, Matsubayashi J, Motoi N, Nagao T, Nakatsuka SI, Yoshida T, Satoh Y.:  Cytology Reporting System for Lung Cancer from the Japan Lung Cancer Society and Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology: An Interobserver Reproducibility Study and Risk of Malignancy Evaluation on Cytology Specimens.  Acta cytologica  64 (5) :452-462 , 2020.9   DOI:10.1159/000506431 Link
4. Salle FG, Le Stang N, Tirode F, Courtiol P, Nicholson AG, Tsao MS, Tazelaar HD, Churg A, Dacic S, Roggli V, Pissaloux D, Maussion C, Moarii M, Beasley MB, Begueret H, Chapel DB, Copin MC, Gibbs AR, Klebe S, Lantuejoul S, Nabeshima K, Vignaud JM, Attanoos R, Brcic L, Capron F, Chirieac LR, Damiola F, Sequeiros R, Cazes A, Damotte D, Foulet A, Giusiano-Courcambeck S, Hiroshima K, Hofman V, Husain AN, Kerr K, Marchevsky A, Paindavoine S, Picquenot JM, Rouquette I, Sagan C, Sauter J, Thivolet F, Brevet M, Rouvier P, Travis WD, Planchard G, Weynand B, Clozel T, Wainrib G, Fernandez-Cuesta L, Pairon JC, Rusch V, Girard N.:  Comprehensive molecular and pathological evaluation of transitional mesothelioma assisted by deep learning approach: a multi institutional study of the International Mesothelioma Panel from MESOPATH Reference Center.  Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication oftheInternational  15 (6) :1037-1053 , 2020.6   DOI:10.1016/j.jtho.2020.01.025.
5. 由佐俊和*, 森永謙二, 神山宜彦, 岸本卓巳, 西英行, 前原孝光, 廣島健三, 清水悟:  胸膜プラークと肺内石綿小体濃度の関係に関する検討.  日本職業・災害医学会会誌  68 (3) :180-187 , 2020.5
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Review article
1. Karpathiou G, Hiroshima K, Peoc'h M:  Adenomatoid Tumor: A Review of Pathology with Focus on Unusual Presentations and Sites, Histogenesis, Differential diagnosis and Molecular and Clinical Aspects with a Historic Overview of its Description.  Advances in anatomic pathology  27 :394-407 , 2020.7   DOI:10.1097/PAP.0000000000000278 Link
Case report
1. 須田久美子, 新島靖子, 井上恵一, 廣島健三, 上田 善彦, 河瀬 ゆり子:  頭部に皮膚転移を認めた悪性胸膜中皮腫の1例.  皮膚科の臨床  63 (2) :243-247 , 2021.2   DOI:10.18888/hi.0000002402
2. 片桐聡, 倉持英和, 杉下敏哉, 丹羽由紀子, 石多猛志, 毛利俊彦, 堀部文倫, 今西 啓, 生形 盟, 鬼澤俊輔, 太田正穂, 新井田達雄, 有泉俊一, 山本雅一, 中野雅行*:  レンバチニブメシル酸塩が著効した高度門脈腫瘍栓合併肝細胞癌の1症例.  Liver Cancer  26 :29-34 , 2021.1
3. Tada Y, Tagawa M, Yusa T, Yatom M, Shimomura I, Suzuki T, Takeshita Y, Sato T, Shimada H, Hiroshima K:  Diffuse pleural thickening and thoracic contraction; An indistinguishable case from malignant pleural mesothelioma.  SAGE open medical case reports.  14 (8) :2050313X20948716 , 2020.8   DOI:10.1177/2050313X20948716 Link
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■ Books
1. Kenzo Hiroshima:  Anatomical Structure of the Pleura and Mesothelial Cells: What Are the Characteristic Features?.  Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Advances in Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatments  77-88.  Springer,  Singapore, 2021.2
2. 瀧口裕一、奥村明之進、廣島健三他:    肺癌診療ガイドライン 悪性胸膜中皮腫・胸腺腫瘍含む 2020年版  1-451.  金原出版,  東京, 2021.1
3. Claire Michael, Kenzo Hiroshima, Anders Hjerpe, Pam Michelow, Binnur Önal, Amanda Segal:  Malignant-Primary (MAL-P) (Mesothelioma).  The International System for Serous Fluid Cytopathology  63-98.  Springer,  Switzerland, 2020.11
4. 廣島健三, 三石剛:  疣贅の診断のための検査 病理組織学的検査.  目からウロコの疣贅診療ハンドブック  92-97.  南江堂,  東京、日本, 2020.6
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎今野辰郎, 荒川揚子, 高橋昌樹, 南部周平, 末澤亜紀, 角奈美子, 今林宏樹, 黄英哲, 星野英久, 関根康雄, 長谷川敦子, 中澤匡男, 廣島健三: 当院におけるPD-L1発現率の違いによる細胞像の検討.  第59回日本臨床細胞学会秋期大会,  横浜,  2020/11
2. ◎廣島健三: 新しいWHO分類: 何が変わったか? -中皮腫-.  第61回日本肺癌学会学術集会,  岡山,  2020/11
3. ◎廣島健三: 中皮腫の病理診断 – WHO第5版における変更点 -.  第66回日本病理学会秋期特別総会,  浜松,  2020/11
4. ◎南優子, 柿沼廣邦, 河原邦光, 澁木康雄, 竹中明美, 羽場礼次, 廣島建三, 三宅真司, 吉澤明彦, 佐藤之俊: 肺癌細胞診判定基準の国際化を目指して.  第59回日本臨床細胞学会秋期大会,  横浜,  2020/11
5. ◎廣島健三: 肺癌細胞診の国際報告様式.  第79回細胞検査⼠教育セミナー,  横浜,  2020/08
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