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 Center for Medical and Nursing Education Division of Basic Sciences
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Academic conference presentation

Assistant Professor:
   ISHII Yasuo
   SATOU Azusa
   TSUJINO Kenji
   HORI Sayaka
Assistant Professor:
   URASE Kouko
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. HORI Sayaka, MITANI Shohei:  An atonal homolog, lin-32, regulates hypodermal morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans.  microPublication Biology  10 (17912/micropub.biology.) :000754.-000754. , 2023.2   DOI:10.17912/micropub.biology.000754
2. Miwa Shota, Senda Ryunosuke, Saito Kazuya, Sato Azusa, Nakamura Yuko, Kitagawa Osamu:  Asynmmetric Synthesis of Isotopic Atropisomers based on ortho-CH3/CD3 Discrimination and Their Structural Properties.  Journal of Organic Chemistry  87 (21) :13501-13507 , 2022.10   DOI:10.1021/acs.joc.2c02185
3. Ryosuke Matsui, Erina Niijima, Tomomi Imai, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Akiko Hori, Azusa Sato, Yuko Nakamura, Osamu Kitagawa*:  Intermolecular Halogen Bond Detected in Racemic and Optically Pure N-C Axially Chiral 3-(2-Halophenyl)quinazoline-4-thione Derivatives.  Molecules  27 (7) :2369-2380 , 2022.4   DOI:10.3390/molecules27072369
Review article
1. Yoshihi Koya, Iida Hideaki, Teramoto Machiko, Ishii Yasuo, Kato Kagayaki, Kondoh Hisato*:  Epiblast cells gather onto the anterior mesendoderm and initiate brain development without the direct involvement of the node in avian embryos: Insights from broad-field live imaging.  Frontiers in cell and developmental biology  10 :1019845 , 2022.10   DOI:10.3389/fcell.2022.1019845
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. SatoAzusa, PonomarenkoMaksym, OnoTaizo, NakamuraYuko, InabaJiro, RoeschenthalerGerd-Volker, SoloshonokVadim: 極安定パーフルオロアルキルラジカルを用いたアルケン類のフルオロ-トリフルオロメチル化反応.  日本薬学会第143年会,  札幌,  2023/03
2. ◎石井泰雄, 芦田航, 満友陽子, 八杉貞雄: 鳥類胚間充織における腸のアイデンティティの成立と周囲環境.  日本動物学会第93回早稲田大会,  東京,  2022/09
3. 堀沙耶香: Platform of worm-life balance improves human work-life balance.  第93回日本動物学会,  東京,  2022/08
4. 堀沙耶香: 逃避行動最適化の性差を生み出す原型シナプス回路モデルの構築.  第93回日本動物学会 早稲田大会,  東京,  2022/08
5. 山内かづ代, 佐藤 梓, 桑島海人, 岩倉菜穂子, 岡崎 賢: 臨床推論能力を向上させる身体診察技能とは何か ~診療参加型臨床実習中のシミュレーション動画解析より~.  第54回日本医学教育学会大会,  高崎,  2022/08
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