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   Nagashima, Yoji
Associate Professor:
   山本 智子
Assistant Professor:
   Kunio Kawanishi
   MIYAKAWA Atsuko
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Iribe Y, Kuroda N, Nagashima Y, Yao M, Tanaka R, Gotoda H, Kawakami F, Imamura Y, Nakamura Y, Ando M, Araki A, Matsushima J, Nakatani Y, Furuya M:  Immunohistochemical characterization of renal tumors in patients with Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome.  Pathology International  65 (3) :126-132 , 2015.3   DOI:10.1111/pin.12254
2. Numata M, Kandasamy P, Nagashima Y, Fickes R, Murphy RC, Voelker DR.:  Phosphatidylinositol inhibits respiratory syncytial virus infection.  Journal of lipid research  :jlr.M055723 , 2015.1
3. Okayama A, Miyagi Y, Oshita F, Nishi M, Nakamura Y, Nagashima Y, Akimoto K,
Ryo A, Hirano H:  Proteomic analysis of proteins related to prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma.  Journal of proteome research  13 (11) :4686-4694 , 2014.11
4. Ruan Y, Kovalchuk A, Jayanthan A, Lun X, Nagashima Y, Kovalchuk O, Wright JR Jr, Pinto A, Kirton A, Anderson R, Narendran A.:  Druggable targets in pediatric neurocutaneous melanocytosis: Molecular and drug sensitivity studies in xenograft and ex vivo tumor cell culture to identify agents for therapy.  Neuro-oncology  :pii: nou310 , 2014.11
5. Ichikawa Y, Nagashima Y, Morioka K, Akimoto K, Kojima Y, Ishikawa T, Goto A,
Kobayashi N, Watanabe K, Ota M, Fujii S, Kawamata M, Takagawa R, Kunizaki C,
Takahashi H, Nakajima A, Maeda S, Shimada H, Inayama Y, Ohno S, Endo I:  Colorectal laterally spreading tumors show characteristic expression of cell polarity factors, including atypical protein kinase C λ/ι, E-cadherin, β-catenin and basement membrane component.  OncologyLetters  8 (3) :977-984 , 2014.9
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Review article
1. Kawanishi Kunio, Nitta Kosaku, Yamato Masayuki, Okano Teruo:  Therapeutic applications of mesothelial cell sheets.  Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis : official peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy  19 (1) :1-7 , 2015.2   DOI:10.1111/1744-9987.12222
2. Kuroda N, Karashima T, Inoue K, Kasajima A, Ohe C, Kawakami F, Mikami S, Matsuua K, Moriyama M, Nagashima Y, Petterson F, Lopez JI, Cohen RJ, Michal M, Hes O:  Review of renal cell carcinoma with rhabdoid feature with focus on clinical and pathological aspects.  Polish journal of pathology : official journal of the Polish Society of Pathologists  66 (1) :3-8 , 2015.1   DOI:10.5114/pjp.2015.51147 P
3. Tomoko Yamamoto, Hiroi Atsuko, Osawa Makiko, Shibata Noriyuki:  The Muscular Dystrophies Associated with Central Nervous System Lesions: A Brief Review from a Standpoint of the Localization and Function of Causative Genes.  Current Pediatric Reviews  10 (4) :282-291 , 2014.10
4. Kuroda N, Ohe C, Kawakami F, Mikami S, Furuya M, Matsuura K, Moriyama M, Nagashima Y, Zhou M, Petersson F, López JI, Hes O, Michal M, Amin MB.:  Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma: a review.  International Journal o Clinical and Experimental Pathology  15 (7) :7312-7318 , 2014.10
5. 長嶋洋治,青木一郎,近藤慶一,中井川昇,岸田健, 宮城洋平, 矢尾正祐:  腎腫瘍の病理診断up date.  臨床病理  62 (6) :568-577 , 2014.6
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Case report
1. Mitome T, Yao M, Udaka N, Fusayasu S, Izumi K, Osaka K, Hayashi N, Nakaigawa N, Nagashima Y, Kubota Y.:  Mucinous cystadenoma of a horseshoe kidney: A case report and literature review.  Canadian Urological Association Journal  9 (1-2) :E30-32 , 2015.1   DOI:10.5489/cuaj.2211.
2. 古屋一裕, 阿部宏一, 小野田登, 長嶋洋治, 矢尾正祐, 三崎博司:  散発性に発生した精巣上体乳頭状のう胞腺腫.  臨床泌尿器科  68 (6) :445-448 , 2014.6
3. 並木みずほ, 諸井隆一, 原田知幸, 廣井敦子, 澤田達男, 柴田亮行, 矢口有乃:  意識障害にて救急搬送され診断に難渋した胃癌の転移による癌性髄膜炎の一剖検例.  日本救命医療学会雑誌  28 :109-115 , 2014
1. 青木昭子,榊原秀也,長嶋洋治,星野慎二,向原圭、後藤英司:  性的マイノリティについての講義を受けて医学科1年生が学んだこと:感想カードを用いた質的研究..  医学教育  45 (5) :357-362 , 2014.11
2. 川西邦夫, 本田一穂:  中性液の腹膜病理変化.  腹膜透析2014 腎と透析別冊  77 :52-53 , 2014.8
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■ Books
1. 長嶋洋治:  第13章 腎臓.  ルービン カラー基本病理学 第5版  602-631.  西村書店,  東京、日本, 2015.3
2. 下正宗、長嶋洋治:    正常画像と比べてわかる 病理アトラス 改訂版  1-342.  羊土社,  日本, 2015.3
3. 長嶋洋治:  第13章 腎・尿路系.  ロビンス基礎病理学 原書9版  615-652.  丸善出版,  東京都, 2014.8
4. Fishbein Gregory, Seki Atsuko, Fishbein Michael:  Chapter 16 - Surgical pathology of the heart.  Pathology of the Mediastinum  285-316.  Cambridge University Press,  UK, 2014
5. Seki Atsuko, Fishbein Michael:  Ischemic Heart Disease.  Pathobiology of Human Disease  995-1013.  Elsevier,  Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2014
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Kawanishi Kunio, Honda Kazuho, Oda Hideaki, Nagahima Yoji: BK virus nephropathy after kidney transplantation; a significance of intrarenal urinary reflux.  2nd International Renal Pathology Conference,  Tsukuba, Japan,  2015/03
2. ◎Shibata Noriyuki, Niida-Kawaguchi Motoko, Inose Yuri, Muramatsu Fumiaki, Kato Yoichiro, Yamamoto Tomoko, Sawada Tatsuo: Glutamate stimulates motor neurons to form intracellular p-TDP-43 aggregates.  The 25th International Symposium on ALS/MND,  Brussels,Belgium,  2014/12
3. ◎Muramatsu Fumiaki, Nonami Yuji, Nagashima Yoji, Sawada Tatsuo, Takayama Keiko, Shiratori Keiko, Shibata Noriyuki: A Case of sarcomatoid mesothelioma of the peritoneum.  The 13th Korea-Japan Joint Meeting for Diagnostic Cytopathology,  Kangwon-do, Korea,  2014/11
4. ◎KAMIO HIDENORI, KAMIO TAKAKO, NOGUCHI EIICHIRO, Tetsuya Ohchi, Nagashima, Yoji, KAMEOKA Shingo: Analysis concerning the accuracy of the diagnosis for sentinel lymph node metastasis in the breast cancer.  39th World Congress of the International College of Surgeons,  Bali, Indonesia,  2014/10
5. 長嶋洋治: 腎腫瘍針生検~病理医はこう診ている.  第4回日本泌尿器病理研究会学術集会,  東京都港区,  2015/02
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