(Last updated : 2024-02-15 16:10:52)
  KUSUDA Kaori
   Department   Graduate School of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medical Science  
■ Published papers
1. Original article  Computerized Classification Method for Molecular Subtypes in Glioma with Multi-Scale 3D-Attention Branch Networks Analyzing Multi-Sequence Brain MRI Images 2023/05/01
2. Review article  Current Landscape of Sonodynamic Therapy for Treating Cancer. 2021/12/08
3. Review article  Development of support system for doctors and nurses in perioperative 2021/04/30
4. Original article  Development of a Surgical Sponge Counting System Using Radiographic Images. 2020/07/29
5. Original article  Surgical Process Identification System in Awake Surgery for Glioma 2020/05/26
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Developing a New Patient Engagement Healthcare Model through the Digital Transformation of Peer Support.  2023/12/01
2. Acquisition of digital information in nursing facility and construction of ethical environment for experiments  2022/08/20
3. Prototype of the optical system for displaying the stereoscopic image of intraoperative appearance based on Integral Videography around the surgical field  2022/06/10
4. Current Status of Ultrasound Therapy for Treating Cancer  2022/06/09
5. Development of Clinical Information Analyzer system based on smart operating room  2022/06/09
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■ Qualifications & licenses
1. 2018/03 Health Informatics Manager
■ Education
1. 2013/04~2016/03 〔Doctoral course〕, Ochanomizu University, Completed,
2. 2011/04~2013/03 Ochanomizu University, Completed,
3. 2007/04~2011/03 Tokyo Healthcare University, Graduated,
■ Rsearch funding number