(Last updated : 2024-11-18 14:24:07)
  Kondou Tsunenori
   Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Adachi Medical Center), School of Medicine  
   Position   Professor
■ Books
1. Chapter contribution  The role of lymphadenectomy in the management of urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract., Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma 2015
2. Chapter contribution  The role of lymphadenectomy in the management of urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract., Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma 2014/05
■ Published papers
1. Original article  Comparative analysis of dual immune checkpoint inhibitor combination therapy versus immune checkpoint inhibitor plus tyrosine kinase inhibitor combination therapy for renal cell carcinoma with inferior vena cava tumor thrombosis. 2024/10
2. Original article  Efficacy of robot-assisted partial nephrectomy compared to conventional laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for completely endophytic renal tumor: a multicenter, prospective study. 2024/10
3. Original article  Impact of body composition on outcomes of immune checkpoint inhibitor combination therapy in patients with previously untreated advanced renal cell carcinoma. 2024/09
4. Other  Reply to: Sebastiano Buti and Giulia Claire Giudice’s letter to the editor Re: Comparing a part to the whole—beware
of the disparity of the renal cell carcinoma prognostic models. 2024/09
5. Original article  Prognostic impact of the administration of antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors in immune checkpoint inhibitor combination therapy for advanced renal cell carcinoma. 2024/07/03
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Therapeutic role of lymphadenectomy in upper tract urothelial carcinoma  2024/10/26
2. Greater impact of tumor dissecting technique on trifecta achievement in patients requiring extended warm ischemia during robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy.  2024/05/06
3. Patient and tumor profile differences for early and late recurrences following radical resection for high-risk renal cell carcinoma.  2024/05/05
4. Prognostic impact of lung immune prognostic index in recurrence after radical surgery for high-risk renal cell carcinoma.  2024/05/05
5. Predicting recurrence after radical surgery for high-risk renal cell carcinoma: Development and Internal Validation of “TOWARDS” score.  2024/05/04
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■ Social activities
1. 2018/10 54th Annual Congress of the Japan Society for Transplantation Sponsored Semenar 6(Chair)Molecular targeted therapy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma after kidney transplantation
■ Education
1. 〔Doctoral course〕, Graduate School, Division of Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Completed, Doctor of Philosophy
2. 1984/04~1990/03 Faculty of Medicine, Hokkaido University, Graduated,