(Last updated : 2024-09-17 09:58:24)
  Kogiso Tomomi
   Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine  Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology
   Position   Assistant Professor
■ Published papers
1. Case report  A case of acute liver failure caused by Budd-Chiari syndrome salvaged by brain-dead donor liver transplantation 2024/02
2. Original article  Serum level of full-length connective tissue growth factor reflects liver fibrosis stage in patients with Fontan-associated liver disease. 2024/01 Link
3. Review article  Algorithm of ascites management for liver cirrhosis in the tolvaptan era: Paradigm shift treatment improves the outcomes of cirrhotic patients? 2023/09
4. Original article  Analysis of genetic factors associated with fatty liver disease-related hepatocellular carcinoma 2023/09
5. Original article  Outcomes of fatty liver disease with and without metabolic comorbidities and risk factors for mortality 2023/05
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. (Young Investigator Workshop APASL_AASLD: HCC/1)Clinical features of MetALD and ALD in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma  2024/03/27
2. (Symposium31 Diversity in gastroenterology-Gender)Current landscape and future prospects for female gastroentrologists in Japan  2023/11/16
3. (Panel Discussion1 Steatotic liver disease: Overview)Recent trends in the epidemiology of alcohol-associated liver disease  2023/09/07
4. Characteristics of fatty liver disease-related hepatocellular carcinoma and genetic background in Japan  2023/04/14
5. Clinical Features and Risk Factors of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Rising from Alcohol-related Lever Disease  2022/09/01
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■ Awards & honors
1. 2003/10 AASLD (American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases) : Young Investigator's Travel Award
■ Education
1. 2009/12/18
Degree Acquisition
Tokyo Women's Medical University,