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 八千代医療センター 呼吸器外科
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Academic conference presentation


   Sekine Yasuo
Assistant Professor:
   Kou Eitetsu
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
1.    (Grant No.:23592075)
 Budget amount:\4,970,000  (Principal investigator)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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 3 3 0 3 4 3  0 0 0 0  2 11  1 1  5 4
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Koh Eitetsu, iizasa toshihiko, yamaji haruko, Sekine Yasuo, Hiroshima Kenzo, Yoshino Ichiro, Fujisawa Takehiko:  Significance of the correlation between the expression of interleukin 6 and clinical features in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.  International Journal of Surgical Pathology  Epub ahead of print (Epub ahead of print) :Epub ahead of print , 2012.2
2. Suzuki H, Sekine Y, Yoshida S, Suzuki M, Shibuya K, Yonemori Y, Hiroshima K, Nakatani Y, Mizuno S, Takiguchi Y, Yoshino I.:  Risk of acute exacerbation of interstitial pneumonia after pulmonary resection for lung cancer in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis based on preoperative high-resolution computed tomography.  Surgery Today  41 (7) :914-21 , 2011.7
3. Sekine Y, Suzuki H, Saito K, Nakajima T, Sakairi Y, Yoshida S, Yoshino I:  Innovative technique of transbronchial radiofrequency ablation for intrapulmonary tumors A preliminary study in a rabbit model.  J Bronchol Intervent Pulmono  18 :211-217 , 2011
4. Sekine Y, Suzuki H, Yoshida S, Yonemori Y, Nakatani Y, Mizuno S, Takiguchi Y, Yoshino I:  Risk of acute exacerbation of interstitial pneumonia after pulmonary resection for lung cancer in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis based on preoperative high-resolution computed tomography.  Surgery Today  41 :914-921 , 2011
Review article
1. 関根康雄,黄英哲:  肺線維症と酸素投与 特集:麻酔科臨床EBMを巡る問題点.  麻酔  60 :307-313 , 2011
Case report
1. Suzuki H, Sekine Y, Yamamoto N, Hiroshima K:  Hemilaminectomy for a dumbbell-shaped vertebral hemangioma.  The Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon  59 (6) :383-384 , 2011.9
2. Nakajima T, Yasufuku K, Sekine Y, Yoshida S, Yoshino I:  Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the left mainstem bronchus.  Ann Thorac Surg  91 :1281-3 , 2011
3. Suzuki H, Sekine Y, Ko E, Sunazawa T, Iida H, Kishi H, Saitoh Y:  Permanent Cerebral Bypass Approach for Lung Cancer Resection with Aortic Arch Invasion.  Thorac Cardiovasc Surg  91 :1281-3 , 2011
1. Sekine Yasuo:  [Resection of the upper left lobe and S6 section and reconstruction of the pulmonary artery and bronchus in patients with locally advancing pulmonary cancer].  Kyobu geka. The Japanese journal of thoracic surgery  64 (9) :812 , 2011.8
2. 関根康雄:  1枚のシェーマ 局所進行肺癌に対する左上葉およびS6区域切除、肺動脈・気管支形成術.  胸部外科  64 :812 , 2011
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Koh Eitetsu, Sekine Yasuo, Yoshino Ichiro: Favorable outcome using a maze procedure for left pneumonectomy combined with resection of the left atrium in stage IIIB lung cancer.  INTERNATIONALRadiology and Nuclear Medicine FORUM,  China Nanjing,  2011/07
2. Sekine Y, Katsura H, Koh E: The impact of COPD on perioperative condition and long-term outcomes for patients with lung cancer.  Aspen Lung Conference,  Aspen-Colorado,  2011/06
3. ◎黄英哲, 関根康雄, 廣島健三: 小細胞肺癌術後、発症したInflammatory myofibroblastic tumorの一例.  第163回 日本肺癌学会関東支部会,  東京 財団法人日本教育会館,  2012/03
4. 関根康雄: 全国初の試み 肺がん検診をいかしたCOPDの早期診断.  日本喘息・COPDフォーラム,  東京,  2012/03
5. 関根康雄、黄英哲: 「再手術症例」 肺癌術後再発に対する右Completion pneumonectomy+胸壁合併切除および術後気管支断端瘻に対するOmentopexy.  第5回General Thoracic Surgical Forum,  東京,  2012/02
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