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 Department of Pharmacology
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


Associate Professor:
   DEGUCHI Atsuko
Assistant Professor:
   TAKITA Morichika
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
 Budget amount:\3,200,000  (Principal investigator)
 Budget amount:\3,500,000  (Principal investigator)
 Budget amount:\1,500,000  (Co-investigator)
 Budget amount:\1,300,000  (Principal investigator)
 Budget amount:\0  (Principal investigator)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
First authorCorresponding
Co-authorFirst authorCorresponding
Co-author First authorCo-authorFirst authorCo-author PresenterCo-presenterPresenterCo-presenter PresenterCo-presenter
 0 0 0 2 2 2  0 0 0 1  2 1  0 0  0 1
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Kaji Kenjiro, Maeda Shingo, Yonezawa Tomohiro, Momoi Yasuyuki:  Detection of canine urothelial carcinoma cells in urine using 5-aminolevulic acid.  Animals  :12(4):485 , 2022.2   DOI:10.3390/ani12040485
2. Deguchi Atsuko, Yamamoto Tomoko, Shibata Noriyuki, Maru Yoshiro:  S100A8 may govern hyper-inflammation in severe COVID-19.  FASEB journal  35 (9) :e21798 , 2021.9   DOI:10.1096/fj.202101013
3. Tomita Takeshi, Kato Masayoshi, Mishima Taishi, Matsunaga Yuta, Sanjo Hideki, Ito Ken-Ichi, Minagawa Kentaro, Matsui Toshimitsu, Oikawa Hiroyuki, Takahashi Satoshi, Takao Toshifumi, Iwai Noriki, Mino Takashi, Takeuchi Osamu, Maru Yoshiro, Hiratsuka Sachie:  Extracellular mRNA transported to the nucleus exerts translation-independent function.  Nature communications  12 (1) :3655 , 2021.6   DOI:10.1038/s41467-021-23969-1
Review article
1. Tsukahara Fujiko, Maru Yoshiro:  Secondary Publication: COVID-19 Pandemic: Drug Development and Treatment.  Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal  Advance Publication :1-10 , 2021.7   DOI:10.24488/twmuj.2021004
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■ Books
1. Maru Yoshiro:    Inflammation and Metastasis (2nd edition).  1.  Springer,  Japan, 2021.10
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. 丸義朗: チロシンキナーゼの重要性を再認識する.  第16回日本血液学会 関東甲信越地方会,  東京,  2022/03
2. 丸  義朗, ◎出口 敦子: Inflammation-associated premetastatic niche formation and cancer metastasis.  The 80th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association,  神奈川県横浜市パシフィコ横浜,  2021/09
3. 梶健二朗, 前田真吾, 米澤智洋, 岩谷直: 5-アミノレブリン酸を用いたイヌ尿路上皮癌における尿中腫瘍細胞の検出.  日本獣医臨床病理学会2021年大会,  東京,  2021/08
4. ◎出口敦子, 西川喜代孝, 丸義朗: S100A8を標的とした新規がん微小環境改善薬の開発.  革新的医療技術創出拠点プロジェクト 令和3年度成果報告会,  東京,  2022/02
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  :Corresponding Author
 :First Author