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 Department of Surgery, Division of Endocrine
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Academic conference presentation

Associate Professor:
   HORIUCHI Kiyomi
Assistant Professor:
   EGURO Youko
Assistant Professor:
   HASHIMOTO Takuzou
   YOSHIDA Yuusaku
   IINO Takayuki
   KODAMA Hitomi
   CHIHARA Soutarou
   YANAGIDA Juurou
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. BAMBA Yoshiko, OGAWA Shimpei, ITABASHI Michio, KAMEOKA Shingo, KOKAMOTO Takahiro, YAMAMOTO Masakazu, YAMAGUCHI SHIGEKI:  Automated Bleeding Identification in Surgical Videos Using Deep Learning.  Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal  6 :117-125 , 2022.12   DOI:10.24488/twmuj.2022005
Review article
1. 吉田有策:  日本内分泌外科学会 甲状腺微小癌取扱い委員会による提言(コンセンサス・ステートメント)「成人の甲状腺低リスク微小乳頭癌に対する積極的経過観察の適応と方法」:エッセンスと今後の課題.  日本甲状腺学会雑誌  13 (1) :29-33 , 2022.4
Case report
1. Horiuchi Kiyomi, Kamio Hidenori, Yoshida Yusaku, Eguro Yoko, Isaka Tamami, Nagashima, Yoji:  Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma
with multiple pulmonary metastases
following lung cancer surgery: a case report.  Surgical Case Reports  8 :218 , 2022   DOI:10.1186/s40792-022-01570-y
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎Horiuchi Kiyomi, Yamanashi Yuki, NAKAI Tomoyoshi, Yanagida Juro, Yoshida Yusaku, Eguro Yoko, Okamoto Takahiro: Surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism in MEN1.  The 18th Congress of the Asian Association of Endocrine Surgeons,  Tokyo,  2023/03
2. Yoshida Yusaku, Yamanashi Yuki, NAKAI Tomoyoshi, Yanagida Juro, Eguro Yoko, Horiuchi Kiyomi, Okamoto Takahiro: Quality of life in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism without surgery.  The 18th Congress of the Asian Association of Endocrine Surgeons,  Tokyo,  2023/03
3. ◎Eguro Yoko, Yamanashi Yuki, Yanagida Juro, NAKAI Tomoyoshi, Yoshida Yusaku, Horiuchi Kiyomi, Okamoto Takahiro: Impact of urinary calcium excretion on urinary stones primary hyperparathyroidism.  The 18th Congress of the Asian Association of Endocrine Surgeons,  Tokyo,  2023/03
4. ◎NAKAI Tomoyoshi, Yamanashi Yuki, Yanagida Juro, Yoshida Yusaku, Eguro Yoko, Horiuchi Kiyomi, Okamoto Takahiro: Predicting tumor volume in primary hyperparathyroidism from preoperative
clinical data.  The 18th Congress of the Asian Association of Endocrine Surgeons,  Tokyo,  2023/03
5. ◎番場嘉子, 板橋道朗, 小川真平, 井上雄志, 隈本 力, 金子由香, 近藤宏佳, 腰野蔵人, 中川了輔, 谷 公孝, 前田 文, 岡本高宏, 亀岡信悟, 山本雅一, 山口茂樹: (パネルディスカッション22 手術手技伝承のためのSDGsAIナビゲーション外科手術によるSDGsと我々の取り組み.  第84回日本臨床外科学会総会,  福岡,  2022/11
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