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概要 当該年度の研究費受入状況 学術雑誌
著書 学会発表

   長嶋 洋治
   山本 智子
   板垣 裕子
■ 概要
■ 当該年度の研究費受入状況
■ 当該年度研究業績数一覧表
学術雑誌 著書 学会発表 その他
和文英文 和文英文 国内国際
筆 頭Corresponding
共 著筆 頭Corresponding
共 著 筆 頭共 著筆 頭共 著 演 者共 演演 者共 演 演 者共 演
 0 0 7 3 3 24  0 1 0 0  3 44  2 6  0 0
■ 学術雑誌
1. BANNO Taro, TAKAGI Toshio*, KONDO Tsunenori, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, IIZUKA Junpei, OKUMI Masayoshi, ISHIDA Hideki, MORITA Satoru, NAGASHIMA Yoji, TANABE KAZUNARI:  Computed tomography imaging characteristics of clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma.  International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology  46 (1) :26-33 , 2020.1   DOI:10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2018.0716
2. Numata M, Mitchell JR, Tipper JL, BrandJD, Trombley JE, Nagashima Y, Kandasamy P, Chua HW, Harrod KS, Voelker DR*:  Pulmonary Surfactant Lipids Inhibit Lethal Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Infection.  The Journal of biological chemistry  in press :in press , 2019.12
3. Niida-Kawaguchi Motoko, Kakita Akiyoshi, Noguchi Noriko, Kazama Miku, Masui Kenta, Kato Yoichiro, Yamamoto Tomoko, Sawada Tatsuo, Kitagawa Kazuo, Watabe Kazuhiko, Shibata Noriyuki*:  Soluble iron accumulation induces microglial glutamate release in the spinal cord of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.  NEUROPATHOLOGY  :doi:10.1111/neup.12632 , 2019.11   DOI:10.1111/neup.12632
4. Ohashi R, Martignoni G, Hartmann A, Caliò A, Segala D, Stöhr C, Wach S, Erlmeier F, Weichert W, Autenrieth M, Schraml P, Rupp NJ, Ohe C, Otsuki Y, Kawasaki T, Kobayashi H, Kobayashi K, Miyazaki T, Shibuya H, Usuda H, Umezu H, Fujishima F, Furusato B, Osakabe M, Sugai T, Kuroda N, Tsuzuk T, Nagashima Y, Ajioka Y, Moch H:  Multi-institutional Re-Evaluation of Prognostic Factors in Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma: Proposal of a Novel Two-Tiered Grading Scheme.  Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology  in press :in press , 2019.11   DOI:10.1007/s00428-019-02710-w
5. Ohashi R, Schraml P, Angori S, Batavia A, Rupp N, Ohe C, Otsuki Y, Kawasaki T, Kobayashi H, Kobayashi K, Miyazaki T, Shibuya H, Usuda H, Umezu H, Fujishima F, Furusato B, Osakabe M, Sugai T, Kuroda N, Tsuzuki T, Nagashima Y, Ajioka A, Moch H::  Classic chromophobe renal cell carcinoma incur a larger number of chromosomal losses than seen in the eosinophilic subtype.  Cancers.  11 (10) :E1492 , 2019.10   DOI:10.3390/cancers11101492. Link
1. Furuya M*, Hasumi H, Yao M, Nagashima Y:  Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome-associated renal cell carcinoma: Histopathological features and diagnostic conundrum.  Cancer science  in press :in press , 2019.12   DOI:10.1111/cas.14255
2. 高木敏男*, 長嶋洋治:  希少癌に備える いざという時のための基礎知識 腎集合管癌.  臨床泌尿器科  73 (11) :800-804 , 2019.10
3. 鈴木 和臣, 成宮 孝祐, 工藤 健司, 矢川 陽介, 豊島 幸憲, 山本 智子, 長嶋 洋治, 山本 雅一:  食道メラノーシスの経過観察中に食道悪性黒色腫と診断され切除しえた1例.  日本外科系連合学会誌  44 (4) :693-698 , 2019.8
4. Kuroda N, Yorita K, Ohe C, Kojima F, Kato I, Mikami S, Furuya M, Nagashima Y, Pan C-C, Lopez JI, Hes O, Michal M, Amin MB:  Review of renal epithelioid angiomyolipoma with focus on clinical and pathobiological aspects.  Medical Journal of Kochi Red Cross Hospital  24 (1) :29-34 , 2019.4
1. Shidei Hiroaki, Maeda Hideyuki*, Isaka Tamami, Matsumoto Takako, Yamamoto Tomoko, Nagashima Yoji, Kanzaki Masato:  Mediastinal paraganglioma successfully resected by robot-assisted thoracoscopic surgery with en bloc chest wall resection: a case report.  BMC Surgery  20 (45) :1-5 , 2020.3   DOI:10.1186/s12893-020-00701-2.
2. 北原大地、木下史生、孝橋賢一、長嶋洋治、黒田直人、小田義直:  TFEB転座型腎細胞癌の1例.  診断病理  37 (1) :49-52 , 2020.1
3. Miura K, Adachi Y, Shirahase T, Nagashima Y, Suemune K, Sakaida N, Nakano Y, Sakai Y, Shimizu S, Ikehara S:  A case of high-grade mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma.  International journal of surgery case reports.  in press :in press , 2020.1
4. 光星 翔太, 松本 卓子, 井坂 珠子, 鬼塚 裕美, 多賀谷 悦子, 神崎 正人:  気管支内腔へ突出を認めた硬化性肺胞上皮腫の1切除例.  日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌  34 (1) :46-51 , 2020.1
5. Itagaki H*, Yamamoto T, Uto K, Hiroi A, Onizuka H, Arashi H, Shibahashi E, Isomura S, Oda H, Yamashita T, Nagashima Y:  Recurrent pericardial effusion with pericardial amyloid deposition: a case report and literature review.  Cardiovascular pathology  46 :107191 , 2019.12
1. Mikami S, Kuroda N, Nagashima Y, Ohe C, Hayashi H, Mizuno R, Oya M, Kameyama K:  Classification of solid renal tumor with oncocytic/eosinophilic cytoplasm: is hybrid oncocytic/chromophobe renal tumor a subtype of oncocytoma, chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, or a distinct tumor entity?.  Annals of translational medicine.  7 (suppl 8) :S350 , 2019.10   DOI:10.21037/atm.2019.09.77
■ 著書
1. 長嶋洋治、西島有衣、塩賀太郎:  腎癌の病理̶WHO 腎癌病理組織分類の改訂点を中心に.  知っておきたい泌尿器のCT・MRI 改訂第2版  56-59.  秀潤社,  東京, 2019.4 Link
■ 学会発表
1. Sawada Anri, Okumi Masayoshi, Taneda Sekiko, Fuchinoue Shohei, Ishida Hideki, Hattori Motoshi, TANABE Kazunari, Honda Kazuho, Nitta Kosaku, Koike Junki, Nagashima, Yoji, Shimizu Akira: Monoclonal IgG deposit on tubular basement membrane in original kidney.  ASN Kidney Week 2019,  Washington,DC, USA,  2019/11
2. ◎ISHIHARA Hiroki, YAMASHITA Satoshi, HATTORI Naoko, FUKUDA Hironori, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, TAKAGI Toshio, IIZUKA Jumpei, TANEDA Sekiko, KONDO Tsunenori, NAGASHIMA Yoji, TANABE Kazunari, USHIJIMA Toshikazu: Renal cell carcinoma in end-stage renal disease exhibits specific molecular alterations corresponding to their histopathology.  Abcam Epigenetics Conference and 14th Asia Epigenome Meeting (AEM) / 3rd Taipei Epigenetics and Chromatin Meeting (TECM),  Taipei, TAIWAN,  2019/10
3. ◎KOBARI Yuki, TAKAGI Toshio, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, IIZUKA Jumpei, NAGASHIMA Yoji, TANABE Kazunari: Clinical future of mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma of the kidney.  The International Section of Taiwan Urological Association Conference 2019,  Taichung, TAIWAN,  2019/08
4. ◎鬼塚裕美, 山本智子, 板垣裕子, 廣井敦子, 菅野俊幸, 秋澤叔香, 中林章, 長嶋洋治: Nephroblastoma 成分が播種した、卵巣成熟奇形腫の一例.  第108回日本病理学会総会,  東京,  2019/05
5. ◎新井田素子, 渡部和彦, 山本智子, 加藤陽一郎, 柴田亮行: 筋委縮性硬化症(ALS)におけるアストロサイト増殖性に関する検討.  第108回日本病理学会総会,  東京,  2019/05
  :Corresponding Author