    (Last updated : 2024-12-25 13:20:09)
   Department   School of Nursing, School of Nursing  
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Published papers
1. Original article  Clinical competency of nurses trained in competency-based versus objective-based education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a qualitative study 2024/05/16
2. Original article  Knowledge and practice for cervical cancer among female primary school teachers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia: A cross-sectional phone-based survey 2022/08
3. Original article  Do the Asia and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology members' websites provide information targeting women in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic? 2020/10
4. Original article  Who provides nursing services in Cambodian hospitals? 2014/03
5. Original article  The Sleepy Nurse at Work: How insufficient Sleep and Circadian Imbalance Promote Errors 2013/03
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Survey on CBRNE Disaster Casualty Acceptance Readiness and Staff Education Needs at Regional Medical Care Support Hospitals  2024/11/30
2. What makes nurses busy?: A descriptive study on reality of nursing practice in a hospital in Tokyo, Japan.  2024/09/13
3. Bridging between clinical nursing practice and robotics: Which nursing tasks can be transferred to robots?  2024/05/17 Link
4. How can we share the Nursing duties with robots?-for our sustainable hyper-ageing society-  2024/04/05 Link
5. How Nurses Influence Policy Related To The Nursing Workforce In The WPRO Region  2023/07/04
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■ Conference activities & talks
1. 2024/12/20 Well-being at the final stage of life: What options are there? (成都市)
■ Research areas
Gerontological nursing and community health nursing, Fundamental of nursing, Hygiene and public health: excluding laboratory approach 
■ Education
1. 2004/04~2009/03 〔Doctoral course〕 Department of Infection Research, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University, Completed, Ph.D.
2. 2001/04~2003/03 〔Master degree program〕 Master's programmes in Health Sciences, Graduate School, Division of Medical Sciences, Gunma University, Completed, Master of Health Sciences
■ Rsearch funding number