(Last updated : 2024-03-29 16:50:35)
   Department   School of Medicine, School of Medicine  Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Division of Public Health, Section of Global Health
   Position   Assistant Professor
■ Books
1. Single work  Tropical Medicine in the Digital Age Malaria Vector Mosquito Control Using Drones and Deep Learning (AI)「衛生動物」 2022/06
2. Single work  Drone-Based Malaria Control Trials AI-based Recognition of Mosquito Larvae from Aerial Drone Images「衛生動物」 2021/03
3. Single work  Drone-Based Malaria Control Trials An Attempt to Identify the Source of Malaria by Multispectral Imaging in Malawi's Malaria Endemic Areas「衛生動物」 2021/03
4. Single work  Trial for Malaria Control Using a Drone Direct Photography of Source Larvae by a Drone Equipped with a High-Magnification Zoom Camera「衛生動物」 2021/03
■ Published papers
1. Original article  Community-based lifestyle intervention for diabetes (Co-LID study) management rural Nepal: study protocol for a clustered randomized controlled trial. 2023/07
2. Review article  Making Maps of Potential Mosquito Breeding Sites by Analyzing Drone Aerial Multispectral Images 2023
3. Original article  Living Well as a Muslim through the Pandemic Era-A Qualitative Study in Japan. 2022/05
4. Original article  Reduction in Plasmodium falciparum Pfk13 and pfg377 allele diversity through time in southern Vietnam 2022
5. Original article  Field testing of a lightweight, inexpensive, and customisable 3D-printed mosquito light trap in the UK. 2019/08
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Drone Technology for Malaria Control: Locating and Managing Mosquito Breeding Sites  2023/09/07 Link
2. The Effectiveness of Epidemiological Studies of Mosquito Vectors for the Understanding ofZoonotic Malaria  2023/09/07 Link
3. The necessity of point-of-care devices(POC) and testing Glycated haemoglobin(HbA1c) for diagnosing diabetes in South Asia. A scoping review(和訳中)  2022/09
4. Study of a method for wide-area detection of malaria vector mosquito larvae habitat using computation of aerial two-wavelength images and AI.  2022/08
5. Tropical Medicine in the Digital Age Malaria Vector Mosquito Control Using Drones and Deep Learning (AI)  2022/06
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■ Research grants & projects
1. 2023/04~2025/03  Integrated Malaria Vector Management in Kenya: Accelerated by Deep Learning  (Key Word : ) Link
2. 2020~2024/03  Why do certain regions and populations differ in transmission of the same species of human and non-human primate malaria parasites?  (Key Word : )
3. 2017~2019  Why polymorphism and spread of resistance genes in drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum occur in specific regions  (Key Word : )
4. 2016~2019  Where Do Monkeys Get Malaria Parasites? Flying Traps for Tree-top Mosquitoes  (Key Word : )
5. 2013~2016  Why only Ibans are infected? : Cross- disciplinary research  (Key Word : )
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■ Research areas
Cultural Anthropology, Insect science, Hygiene and public health: including laboratory approach, Ecology and environment 
■ Education
1. 1997/04~2006/06 〔Doctoral course〕 Cultural Anthropology, Graduate School, Division of History and Anthropology, University of Tsukuba
■ Academic & professional experience
1. 2021/04~ Nagasaki University Institute of Tropical Medicine Part-time researcher for university or other academic organization
2. 2018~2020 Aeolus Robotics Project Coordinator
3. 2017~2022/03 Researher Postdoc
4. 2016~2018 Researher Postdoc
5. 2013~2021 Kyoto University Assistant Professor
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