(Last updated : 2024-04-18 08:32:01)
   Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Adachi Medical Center), School of Medicine  
■ Published papers
1. Original article  REGN-COV2 antibody cocktail in patients with SAS-CoV-1: Observational study from a single institution in Japan 2022/03/30
2. Original article  Psychological Effects on Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Single-center Study at a Tertiary Hospital in Tokyo, Japan. 2021/09
3. Review article  Up-to-date information on endoscopic treatment foe lower colorectal tumor 2021/02/25
4. Original article  Clinical features of patients positive for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR in a fever clinic for COVID-19; Comparison with negative PCR cases and comparison of the first and second waves. 2021/01
5. Case report  Seven-Year Outcome of Two Cases of Depression in Elderly High-Altitude Residents in Ladakh, India 2019/06
■ Academic conference presentation
1. Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) using scissors type forceps as a standard method for large early colorectal carcinoma and adenoma  2019/12/13
2. Two case reports of PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor induced colitis resembling ulcerative colitis: case one with nivolumab followed by atezolizmumab, and case two with pembrolizmab  2019/12/13
3. An Explanatory model for depression in Ladakh, India: A Comparative study using Semi-structured Explanatory Model Interview  2019/10/26
4. Community Social Capital and Depression Among Elderly Highlanders in Ladakh, India  2019/09/29
■ Qualifications & licenses
1. 2023/05/23 Board Certified Fellow of Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine
2. 2017/01/01 Fellow of Antiaging Medicine
■ Educational competence
● Special note of person who has experience of business
1. 2024/01/12 Lecuturer Psychosomatic Medicine for Junior students in TWMU
● Matter that should be mentioned specially in others educational activity
1. 2023/09/13~2024/03/13 Lecuturer, for Behavioral Science for medical school students and graduatesJunior students in Hamamatu School of Medicine and Kochi School of Medicine.
2. 2023/06/23 Lecuturer、COVID-19 for PGY-1&2, physicians in Tokyo Womens Medical University Adachi Hospital
■ Conference activities & talks
1. 2024/03/16 Working in the international field as a physician- a story about a flight surgeon (Toyoaki, Aichi)
■ Research areas
General Medicine, Psychiatriy, Orthomolecular medicine (Key Word:Psychosomatic medicine,) 
■ Education
1. 2011/07~2013/04 〔Master degree program〕 Division of Aerospace Medicine, Department of Community Health, Wright State University, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Completed
2. 1994/04~2000/03 Faculty of Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Graduated, Medical Doctor