    (Last updated : 2025-01-31 17:05:12)
  MIYATA Mariko
   Department   School of Medicine, School of Medicine  Department of Physiology, Division of Neurophysiology
   Position   Professor and Division head
■ Books
1. Single work  Corticotropin-Releasing Factor (CRF) induces persistent depression of parallel fiber to Purkinje cell synaptic transmission., Slow synaptic responses and modulation 2000/04
2. Chapter contribution  Endogenous corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is required for induction cerebellar long-term depression., Frontiers of Mechanisms of Memory and Dementia 2000/04
3. Chapter contribution  Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and its role in the central nervous system., Regulatory and their Cognate Receptor 1999
■ Published papers
1. Original article  Developmental refinement of the active zone nanotopography and axon wiring at the somatosensory thalamus 2024/10/22 Link
2. Review article  Peripheral nerve injury-induced remodeling of the somatosensory thalamic circuits. 2024/07/20
3. Original article  Direct and indirect pathways for heterosynaptic interaction underlying developmental synapse elimination in the mouse cerebellum. 2024/07/03
4. Review article  The thalamocortical system for nociception 2024/06/01
5. Original article  Role of the medial agranular cortex in unilateral spatial neglect 2024/04/22 Link
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Adolescent social isolation overstimulates glucocorticoid receptors in thalamic neurons, remodeling neuronal connections and changes in tactile perception.  2024/07/26
2. Activity-dependent changes in presynaptic expression of neurexins in a synapse-specific manner  2024/07/24
3. Selectivity and efficacy of optogenetic stimulation to peripheral nociceptors  2024/07/24
4. The nociceptive thalamus acquires abnormal tactile responsibility after peripheral nerve injury  2024/07/24
5. Activation of neuronal glucocorticoid receptors by adolescent social isolation reorganizes neural circuits in the sensory thalamus.  2023/08/01
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■ Research areas
Neuroscience-general, Basic brain sciences, Clinical pharmacy, Pathophysiologic neuroscience (Key Word:Neurophysiology, Neuroscience) 
■ Education
1. 1991/04~1995/03 〔Doctoral course〕 Physiology I (Neurophysiology), Graduate School of Medical Science, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Completed, MD. Ph D.