    (Last updated : 2024-04-22 15:45:57)
   Department   School of Nursing, School of Nursing  
   Position   Professor
■ Published papers
1. Original article  Characteristics of Factors Related to Assartiveness among Preceptors of the Ability to Make Rapid Decisions 2019/07
2. Original article  Differences in Health Conditions and Social Contributions of Elderly Persons Depending on the Participation in Volunteer Activities 2019/07
3. Original article  Factors Affecting Burnout in Female Nurses With Preschool-Age Children in Japan 2019/07
4. Original article  Factors ReLated to Administrative Abilities of Nurse Administrators 2019/07
5. Original article  Relationship between negative feelings toward elderly patients and the burnout of nursing care staff in geriatric health service facilities 2019/07
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Development of AI models for analysing Japanese patients’ facial expressions: A pilot study  2024/03/06
2. Verification of a 14-Item Scale to Assess Nurses’ Striving for Work-Life Balance  2020/01/10
3. Development of an original scale to evaluate hospital ward team collaboration  2019/07
4. Development of a Female Novice Nurse Assertiveness Scale  2019/01/05
5. Coping Behaviors Collaboration Between Nurses and Physicians during Norovirus Infection Outbreaks  2018/07
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■ Education
1. 2017/04~2020/03 〔Doctoral course〕, Graduate School, Division of Nursing, International University of Health and Welfare, Completed, PhD