(最終更新日:2022-02-17 19:24:54)
  イザワ マサヒロ
  井澤 正博
   所属   医学部 医学科(東京女子医科大学病院)  
   職種   特任顧問
■ 著書
1. 部分執筆  Concept of Robotic Gamma Knife Microradiosurgery and Results
of Its Clinical Application in Benign Skull Base Tumors, Gamma Knife Neurosurgery in the Management of Intracranial Disorders 2013/03
2. 部分執筆  Differentiation of Tumor Progression and Radiation-Induced
Effects After Intracranial Radiosurgery, Gamma Knife Neurosurgery in the Management of Intracranial Disorders 2013/03
3. 部分執筆  Do We Really Still Need an Open Surgery for Treatment
of Patients with Vestibular Schwannomas?, Gamma Knife Neurosurgery in the Management of Intracranial Disorders 2013/03
4. 部分執筆  Gamma Knife Treatment Strategy for Metastatic Brain Tumors, Gamma Knife Neurosurgery in the Management of Intracranial Disorders 2013/03 Link
5. 部分執筆  Usefulness of the Advanced Neuroimaging Protocol Based on Plain
and Gadolinium-Enhanced Constructive Interference in Steady
State Images for Gamma Knife Radiosurgery and Planning Microsurgical
Procedures for Skull Base Tumors, Gamma Knife Neurosurgery in the Management of Intracranial Disorders 2013/03
■ 学術雑誌
1. その他  Surgery for Intractable Seizures After Successful Radiosurgery of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation 2019/02/01
2. 原著  "Donut's shape"radiosurgical treatment planning for large cystic metastatic brain tumors 2011/10
3. 原著  Stereotactic radiosurgery of essential trigeminal neuralgiausing Leksell Gamma Knife model C with automatic positioning system
technical nuances and evaluation of outcome in 130 patients with at least 2 years follow-up after treatment 2011/10
4. 原著  Gamma Knife robotic microradiosurgery for Benign Skull Base Meningiomas : Tumor Shrinkage May Dependon the Amount of Radiation Energy Delivered per Lesion Volime (Unit Energy) 2011/02
5. 症例報告  Gamma Knife surgery for abducent nerve schwannoma
Report of 4 cases 2010/12
■ 学会発表
1. Intractable seizures after radiosurgery of AVM (ポスター) 2015/06/08
2. Dynamics of metabolic changes in intracranial metastases after stereotactic radiosurgery (口頭発表,一般) 2009/08
3. 先端巨大症に対するガンマナイフの治療成績および合併症に関する検討  2009/02/27
4. 患者QOL維持向上を目指した転移性脳腫瘍治療戦略:
Radiosurgery後遅発性放射線障害対策のための治療計画 (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2008/10/08
5. 側頭葉脳動静脈奇形に対するガンマナイフ治療についての検討  2007/10/03