1. |
D-dimer Levels Predict Mortality in Patients with Temporary Mechanical Circulatory Support (ポスター,一般) 2024/03/10
2. |
End of Life of LVAD Patients: from Experience of Bridge to Transplantation (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2024/03/10
3. |
Pathological Changes of Myocardium in Dilated Cardiomyopathy with Long-term Continuous-flow Left Ventricular Assist Device Support (口頭発表,一般) 2024/03/10
4. |
Hub and Spoke Model of Cardiogenic Shock Patients: The Role of Hub Hospital (口頭発表) 2024/03/09
5. |
The Effect of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Phenotype on the Outcome of Atrial Fibrillation Ablation (口頭発表,一般) 2023/03/11
6. |
Impellaを含めた補助循環による重症心不全治療 (口頭発表) 2023/02/25
7. |
担癌患者における抗凝固療法導入の実態 (口頭発表,一般) 2022/11/30
8. |
エコーウイルスによる劇症型心筋炎・膵炎・肝炎を併発し た一例 (口頭発表,一般) 2022/11/12
9. |
RAS阻害薬が有効な患者を見出す血清クロール値を用いた新しいHFpEFの分類法 (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2022/10/21
10. |
維持透析を伴うHFrEF患者にガイドライン治療薬は予後に影響するか? (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2022/10/21
11. |
エコーウイルス感染による劇症型心筋炎・急性膵炎・急性肝炎の併発が疑われた1例 (口頭発表,一般) 2022/09/24
12. |
劇症型心筋炎におけるMechanical Circulatory Support (口頭発表,一般) 2022/09/23
13. |
Relationship between Modified Body Mass Index and Mortality after Acute Heart Failure Hospitalization(和訳中) 2022/03/13
14. |
心不全患者における栄養障害の再評価によるフレイル・サルコペニアの予防と予後の層別化 (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2022/03/13
15. |
心不全薬物治療の最前線(Hemodynamic Effects of Sacubitril-valsartan Initiation on Hospitalized Heart Failure Patients with Reduced Ejection Fraction: Non-invasive Study Using Echocardiography) (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2022/03/13
16. |
Elevated D-dimer Levels and Outcome in Hospitalized Acute Decompensated Heart Failure Patients with Cardiogenic Shock (ポスター) 2022/03/11
17. |
COVID-19ワクチン接種後に発症した劇症型心筋炎の1例 (口頭発表,一般) 2021/12/11
18. |
左室駆出率が改善した心不全患者において拡張機能障害の残存は予後不良因子となる (口頭発表,一般) 2021/12/04
19. |
左室駆出率が改善した心不全患者においても拡張機能障害の残存が予後不良因子となる (口頭発表,一般) 2021/10/02
20. |
体外式VAD植込み後の大動脈基部の血栓から急性心筋梗塞を発症した拡張型心筋症の1例 (口頭発表,一般) 2021/09/19
21. |
循環器疾患と慢性炎症、臓器連関 急性心不全における炎症性バイオマーカーと臓器連関および予後について (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2021/09/18
22. |
冠動脈起始異常と冠攣縮から心筋梗塞を来し、左室補助人工心臓導入に至った若年症例 2021/09
23. |
Prognostic advantage of optimal medical therapy is NOT cancelled in hospitalized heart failure patients receiving regular hemodialysis (ポスター,一般) 2021/08/27
24. |
Clinical Features of Deteriorating Cardiogenic Shock Patients (口頭発表) 2021/03/28
25. |
Improvable nutritional status during hospitalization is associated with long-term prognosis in hospitalized patients with heart failure (口頭発表,一般) 2021/03/26
26. |
Makoto Kishihara, Kentaro Jujo, Takuma Takada, Takuro Abe, Shota Shirotani, Nana Endo, Shonosuke Watanabe, Yuichiro Minami, Nobuhisa Hagiwara (口頭発表,一般) 2021/03/26
27. |
Predictors of Normalization of Left Ventricular Systolic Function After Acute Myocarditis -Multicenter Observational Study- (口頭発表,一般) 2021/03/26
28. |
心原性ショック管理への挑戦 補助循環導入後も進行する心原性ショック患者の臨床的特徴 (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2021/02/13
29. |
Increase in Serum Chloride Level During Hospitalization Leads to Improved Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure (口頭発表,一般) 2020/11/13
30. |
Predictors of Normalization of Left Ventricular Systolic Function After Acute Myocarditis -multicenter Observational Study (口頭発表,一般) 2020/11/13
31. |
Observational Report of the Prognostic Impact of Landiolol in Acute Heart Failure patients Presenting Atrial Fibrillation with Rapid Ventricular Response (ポスター,一般) 2019/11/17
32. |
Relationship between B-type natriuretic peptide and various adverse outcomes in patients with apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (口頭発表,一般) 2019/10/04
33. |
左室流出路狭窄を伴うたこつぼ症候群が再発した透析患者の一例 (口頭発表,一般) 2019/09/15
34. |
頻脈性心房細動を合併した急性心不全に対してランジオロール投与が予後に与える影響の検討 (口頭発表,一般) 2019/09/15
35. |
急性心不全患者における入院時 IL-6 濃度と心臓死および非心臓死についての検討 (口頭発表,一般) 2019/09/14
36. |
Prognostic Impact of Baseline Glycohemoglobin Level in Peripheral Artery DiseasePatients with and without Hemodialysis (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2019/09/13
37. |
肥大型心筋症患者における拡張中期 L 波と突然死および致死性不整脈イベントについての検討 (口頭発表,一般) 2019/09/13
38. |
Non-invasive Estimation of Right Atrial Pressure by IVC Measurement Differently Predicts Long-term Prognoses in Acute Heart Failure Patients with Reduced and Preserved LVEF (口頭発表,一般) 2019/08/31
39. |
B-type Natriuretic Peptide and Outcome in Patients with Apical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (ポスター,一般) 2019/03/31
40. |
C-reactive Protein to Prealbumin Ratio on Admission and Mortality in Patients Hospitalized for Acute Heart Failure (ポスター,一般) 2019/03/31
41. |
Long-term Prognostic Value of Preoperative Anemia Depends on the Severity of Renal Function in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease (ポスター,一般) 2019/03/31
42. |
Ratio of Systolic Function-to-Pressure of Right Ventricule Predicts Mortality in Acute Heart Failure Patients with Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (ポスター,一般) 2019/03/31
43. |
Right Ventricular Function has Prognostic Values in Acute Heart Failure Patients with Reduced but NOT Preserved Left Ventricular Systolic Function (口頭発表,一般) 2019/03/31
44. |
Differences by Age in Efficacy of Guidelinerecommended Medication on Long-term Outcomes in Patients with Acute Heart Failure (口頭発表,一般) 2019/03/30
45. |
Prognostic Impact of Baseline Glycated Hemoglobin Level in Peripheral Artery Disease Patients with and without Hemodialysis (ポスター,一般) 2019/03/29
46. |
Prognostic Implications of the Mitral L Wave in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (口頭発表,一般) 2019/03/29
47. |
心臓集中治療室に入室した急性心不全患者における入院時のIL-6濃度と生命予後 (口頭発表,一般) 2019/03/02
48. |
入院時のmNUTRICスコアは急性心不全患者の入院予後を予測する (ポスター,一般) 2019/03/02
49. |
急性心不全における入院時Procalcitoninと短期/長期生命予後についての検討:C-Reactive Proteinとの比較 (口頭発表,一般) 2019/03/01
50. |
薬物により保存的に加療し得た肺血栓塞栓症を合併した有痛性青股腫の1例 (口頭発表,一般) 2019/02/02
51. |
Anemia Worsened Long Term Prognosis in Peripheral Artery Disease Patients With Mildly Reduced but Not With Severely Reduced Renal Functions (ポスター,一般) 2018/11/12
52. |
Pulmonary Hypertension Cancels the Prognostic Impact of Right Ventricular Tissue Doppler Imaging Systolic Functional Index in Acute Heart Failure Patients With Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (ポスター,一般) 2018/11/11
53. |
The Ratio of Systolic Function to Systolic Pressure of Right Ventricule Predicts Mortality in Acute Heart Failure Patients With Reduced Left Ventricular Systolic Function (ポスター,一般) 2018/11/11
54. |
Tissue Doppler Right Ventricular Systolic Function Indexes Predicts Survival After Discharge in Acute Heart Failure Patients With Reduced but Not With Preserved Left Ventricular Systolic Function (ポスター,一般) 2018/11/10
55. |
The impact of additional mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist on guideline-recommended medical therapy in acute heart failure patients with ischemic heart disease (口頭発表,一般) 2018/10/13
56. |
Guideline-recommended medication including mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonists is associated with better long-term outcomes in octogenarian patients with acute heart failure (口頭発表) 2018/10/11
57. |
Therapeutic validity and effectiveness of guideline-recommended medical therapy in acute heart failure patients on regular hemodialysis (口頭発表,一般) 2018/10/11
58. |
運動負荷心筋シンチグラフィーにより投薬治療の有効性を確認しえた運動誘発性冠攣縮性狭心症の1例 (ポスター,一般) 2018/09/09
59. |
Prognostic impact of cut-off point of age in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary PCI (口頭発表,一般) 2018/09/07
60. |
心房細動を指摘されていない肥大型心筋症患者における心エコー指標を用いた脳梗塞リスク層別化についての検討 (口頭発表,一般) 2018/09/07
61. |
Full combination of guideline-recommended medical therapy is associated with better long-term mortality in acute heart failure patients with low blood pressure and renal dysfunction (ポスター,一般) 2018/08/28
62. |
J-shaped association between length of hospital stay and cardiovascular mortality after discharge in patients with acute heart failure (ポスター,一般) 2018/08/28
63. |
The impact of additional mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist on guideline-recommended medical therapy in acute heart failure patients with ischemic heart disease (ポスター,一般) 2018/08/28
64. |
Therapeutic validity and effectiveness of guideline-recommended medical therapy in acute heart failure patients on regular hemodialysis (ポスター,一般) 2018/08/28
65. |
Guideline-recommended medication including mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonists is associated with better long-term outcomes in octogenarian patients with acute heart failure (口頭発表,一般) 2018/08/25
66. |
Clinical and Electrocardiographic Characteristics in High-Risk Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Patients with Prophylactic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2018/07/13
67. |
Modified Nutrition Risk in Critically Ill (mNUTRIC) Score on Admission and Outcome in Hospitalized Patients with Acute Heart Failure (ポスター,一般) 2018/03/25
68. |
Predictors of Discordance between Instantaneous Wave-free Ratio and Fractional Flow Reserve (口頭発表,一般) 2018/03/25
69. |
Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation with or without Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Hospitalized Heart Failure Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (ポスター,一般) 2018/03/24
70. |
Procalcitonin Level on Admission and Outcome in Acute Heart Failure Patients Referred to a Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (ポスター,一般) 2018/03/24
71. |
Prognostic Impact of Early Induction of Intraaortic
Balloon Counterpulsation in Patients with
Acute Heart Failure (ポスター,一般) 2018/03/24
72. |
Prognostic Impact of Lymphocyte to Neutrophil Ratio in Patients Undergoing Endovascular Therapy (口頭発表,一般) 2018/03/24
73. |
Prognostic Implications of Prealbumin Level on Admission in Patients Hospitalized for Acute Heart Failure (ポスター,一般) 2018/03/24
74. |
Long-term Clinical Benefits of Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (口頭発表,一般) 2018/03/23
75. |
Predictors of Arrhythmic Events in High-risk Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Patients with Prophylactic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2018/03/23
76. |
Predictors of Discordance between Instantaneous Wave-free Ratio and Fractional Flow Reserve (口頭発表,一般) 2018/03/23
77. |
Prognostic Implications of Time between Balloon to Peak Creatinine Kinase-MB in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary PCI (ポスター,一般) 2018/03/23
78. |
Baseline nutritional status predicts long-term amputation-free survival in patients undergoing endovascular therapy (ポスター,一般) 2018/03/11
79. |
Baseline nutritional status predicts long-term
amputation-free survival in patients undergoing
EVT 2018/02/23
80. |
NPPV 治療を行った急性心不全患者における鎮静薬投与の有無による予後の比較 2018/02/22
81. |
急性心不全患者における入院時の Procalcitonin および C-Reactive Protein と予後の関係 2018/02/21
82. |
PCI を行った脂質異常症患者における EPA 投与がアポリポ蛋白に及ぼす影響 2017/12/15
83. |
Left Ventricular Contraction Affects the Impact of Worsening Renal Function on Long-term Mortality of Patients With Acute Heart Failure (ポスター,一般) 2017/11/14
84. |
Predictors of Discordance Between Instantaneous Wave-Free Ration and Fractional Flow Reserve (ポスター,一般) 2017/11/13
85. |
Prognostic Impact of Early Induction of IABP in Patients With Acute Heart Failure (ポスター,一般) 2017/11/12
86. |
失神を繰り返した冠動脈多枝病変合併重度大動脈弁狭窄症患者に PCI・BAV を先行し、その後
TAVI を施行し良好な経過をたどった一例 (口頭発表,一般) 2017/10/14
87. |
Early induction of intra-aortic balloon pump in patients with acute heart failure (口頭発表,一般) 2017/10/13
88. |
Hospitalization period in AHF patients affects prognosis after discharge? (口頭発表,一般) 2017/10/13
89. |
Prognostic Implications of Concomitant Pneumonia in Acute Heart Failure Patients Who Underwent Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (口頭発表,一般) 2017/10/13
90. |
オクトレオチドが奏功した難治性胸水を伴う特発性肺動脈性肺高血圧症の一例 (ポスター,一般) 2017/10/01
91. |
急性心不全における利尿薬をどのように選択するか? (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2017/09/30
92. |
急性心不全患者における非侵襲的陽圧換気(NPPV)管理中のバイタルサインと院内予後 (ポスター,一般) 2017/09/29
93. |
総大腿動脈病変に対する高圧バルーン拡張の臨床成績 (ポスター,一般) 2017/07/08
94. |
肥大型心筋症とICD治療 (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2017/04/22
95. |
Impact of Core Depressive Symptom in Outpatients with Heart Failure: A Multicenter Prospective Observational Patient Health Questionnaire Study. (ポスター,一般) 2017/03/19
96. |
Persistent High Blood Urea Nitrogen Level is Associated with Increased Cardiovascular Mortality in Acute Heart Failure Patients (ポスター,一般) 2017/03/18
97. |
Predictors of "Visual-functional Mismatch" in Contemporary Practice - The Characteristics Associating with Mismatch between Angiographic Stenosis and Hybrid Ifr-Ffr Strategy - (ポスター,一般) 2017/03/18
98. |
Worsening Renal Function Worsened Cardiovascular Mortality in Acute Heart Failure Patients with Reduced but not with Preserved Left Ventricular Contraction (ポスター,一般) 2017/03/18
99. |
Prognostic Implications of Atrial Functional Mitral Regurgitation in Hospitalized Heart Failure Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (ポスター,一般) 2017/03/17
100. |
Quantitative Volumetric Comparison of Pulmonary Thrombus Reduction between Direct Oral Anticoagulant and Warfarin Treatment in Acute Phase of Symptomatic Patients (ポスター,一般) 2017/03/17
101. |
Ventricular Arrhythmias after Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation (口頭発表,一般) 2017/03/17
102. |
肺炎を合併した急性心不全患者への非侵襲的陽圧換気使用に関する検討 (口頭発表,一般) 2017/03/09
103. |
治療に苦慮しているCAD/PAD/SHD合併の若年透析症例 (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2016/12/10
104. |
腎移植後の拒絶反応急性期に急性冠症候群を発症し、大動脈バルーンパンピングのみで良好に管理し得た一例 (口頭発表,一般) 2016/12/03
105. |
Long Term Prognoses of Patients With and Without Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery Stenosis in the DES Era (ポスター,一般) 2016/11/15
106. |
Predictors of "Visual-functional Mismatch" in Contemporary Practice -the Characteristics Associating With Mismatch Between Angiographic Stenosis and Hybrid IFR-FFR Strategy (ポスター,一般) 2016/11/14
107. |
Comparison of Decongestion Effect between Single and Double administration of Tolvaptan in Acute Heart Failure (口頭発表,一般) 2016/10/08
108. |
Intermittent Scheduled Intraaortic Balloon Pumping for Elderly Patient with Refractory Heart Failure (口頭発表,一般) 2016/10/08
109. |
Worsening Renal Function Worsened In-hospital Mortality in Acute Heart Failure Patients with Reduced but Not with Preserved Left Ventricular Contraction (口頭発表,一般) 2016/10/08
110. |
Restrictive Left Ventricular Filling Pattern and Sudden Death Risk in Japanese Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (ポスター,一般) 2016/10/07
111. |
診断に難渋した修正大血管転位患者の奇異性塞栓による急性心筋梗塞の一例 (口頭発表,一般) 2016/09/24
112. |
Double productがIFRとFFRに与える影響について (口頭発表,一般) 2016/09/23
113. |
家族性高コレステロール血症患者(FH)における冠動脈CTによる冠動脈プラーク病変評価 (ポスター,一般) 2016/09/23
114. |
Impact of PHQ-2 screening in outpatients with heart failure: A Multicenter prospective observational study (ポスター,一般) 2016/08/30
115. |
Impact of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in advanced non ischemic heart failure patients who referred for heart transplant evaluation (ポスター,一般) 2016/08/29
116. |
Impact of the double product on relation between instantaneous wave-free ratio and fractional flow reserve (ポスター,一般) 2016/08/28
117. |
Relation between Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio and Fractional Flow Reserve in Patients with Hemodialysis (ポスター,一般) 2016/08/28
118. |
Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterelemia with Cardiovascular Diseases (ポスター,一般) 2016/07/15
119. |
Instantaneous Wave-free RatioとFractional Flow Reserveの相関に影響を与える因子の解析 (口頭発表,一般) 2016/07/09
120. |
Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio値に影響を与える因子の解析~患者背景・病変背景の検討~ (口頭発表,一般) 2016/07/09
121. |
総大腿動脈病変に対する高圧バルーン拡張の臨床成績 (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2016/07/09
122. |
透析患者の中心静脈閉塞に対するバルーン拡張型ステントの有効性 (口頭発表,一般) 2016/07/08
123. |
Possible Life-saving Effect of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Therapy in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Patients with Midventricular Obstruction (口頭発表,一般) 2016/03/20
124. |
The Impact of Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction and Microcirculatory Dysfunction on Instantaneous WaveFree Ratio (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2016/03/20
125. |
Clinical and Angiographic Profiles of Patients without Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery Stenosis (口頭発表,一般) 2016/03/19
126. |
Evaluation of the Best Cutoff Value of Ischemia in Instantaneous Wave Free Ratio in Patients with Aortic Valve Stenosis (ポスター,一般) 2016/03/19
127. |
Relation between Instantaneous Wave - Free Ratio and Fractional Flow Reserve in Patients with Hemodialysis (ポスター,一般) 2016/03/19
128. |
Extracellular Water to Total Body Water Ratio Measured by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Outcome in Hospitalized Heart Failure Patients (ポスター,一般) 2016/03/18
129. |
Prognostic Impact of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Score in Patients Hospitalized for Acute Heart Failure Syndromes (ポスター,一般) 2016/03/18
130. |
摘出心膜にアミロイド沈着を認めた難治性心嚢液貯留の1例 (口頭発表,一般) 2015/12/05
131. |
洞調律との鑑別に苦慮した心房頻拍誘発性心筋症による重症心不全の一例 (口頭発表,一般) 2015/12/05
132. |
GEAを用いた冠動脈バイパス術後の胃がん患者に対して術前にPCIを行った一例 (ポスター,一般) 2015/11/21
133. |
The Best Cut-off Value of Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio in Patients with Hemodialysis (ポスター,一般) 2015/11/20
134. |
The mismatch between angiographic severity and instantaneous wave-free period (ポスター,一般) 2015/11/20
135. |
冠動脈造影中に解離を再発した自然冠動脈解離(SCAD)の1例 (口頭発表,一般) 2015/10/24
136. |
Instantaneous Wave Free Ratio(iFR) でAdenosine zone (0.86 ≦ iFR ≦ 0.93 ) に入った病変における, Fractional Flow Reserve 値と患者・病変背景の比較検討 (ポスター,一般) 2015/09/18
137. |
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy を有する患者におけるInstantaneous-Wave-Free-Ratio(iFR) とFractional-Flow-Reserve(FFR) の関係 (口頭発表,一般) 2015/09/18
138. |
肥大型心筋症患者における突然死の予測因子としての左房径: 心房細動の有無による検討 (ポスター,一般) 2015/09/18
139. |
Clinical Features of Japanese Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Patients with Stroke and Systemic Embolic Events (口頭発表,一般) 2015/04/26
140. |
Comparison Aspirin and Clopidgrel after Discontinuation of DAPT in Patients Received Second Generation Drug-eluting Stent (ポスター,一般) 2015/04/26
141. |
Impact of Warfarin Usage of Hemodialysis Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (ポスター,一般) 2015/04/26
142. |
Maintenance Antithrombotic Therapy and Long-term Prognosis in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention -1 year Landmark Analysis- (口頭発表,一般) 2015/04/26
143. |
Antithrombotic Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention-From Multicenter Cohort Study- (口頭発表,一般) 2015/04/25
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Epidemiology, Clinical Features, and Outcome of Concomitant Pneumonia in Hospitalized Patients with Acute Heart Failure (ポスター,一般) 2015/04/25
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Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Acute Coronary Syndromes―From Multicenter Cohort Study― (ポスター,一般) 2015/04/24
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Muscle Wasting during Heart Failure Hospitalization: Insights from Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (ポスター,一般) 2015/04/24
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Serum Bilirubin/Alanine Aminotransferase Ratio Predict Response to Tolvaptan in Hospitalized Heart Failure Patients (口頭発表,一般) 2015/04/24
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EVTを含む集学的治療で救命し得た急性腸間膜動脈閉塞症の一例 (ポスター,一般) 2015/02/11
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当院CCUにおけるPCPSの使用経験のまとめと臨床像調査 (ポスター,一般) 2015/02/11
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Bland-White-Garland症候群に対して内科的治療を選択した1例-複数の画像からの考察- (口頭発表,一般) 2015/02/07
151. |
左前下行枝及び左回旋枝に同時発症したと思われる冠動脈解離により急性心筋梗塞を発症した若年女性の1例 (口頭発表,一般) 2014/12/06
152. |
Predictors of "Visual-Functional Mismatch" in Contemporary Practice -The Lesion Characteristics Associating With Mismatch Between Angiographic Stenosis and Fractional Flow Reserve. (ポスター,一般) 2014/11/17
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急性心不全患者における入院時血清アルブミン濃度とその急性期変化 (ポスター,一般) 2014/09/27
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iFRを用いて虚血評価を行った大動脈弁狭窄症の症例 (ポスター,一般) 2014/09/26
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当院CCUにおける急性期リハビリテーションのためのCCU介入基準を用いた経験 (ポスター,一般) 2014/07/19
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Long-term outcome of patients with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with dual-chamber pacing (ポスター,一般) 2014/05/20
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Change of Body Water Distribution during Heart Failure Hospitalization: Segmental Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (ポスター,一般) 2014/03/23
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Effect of Intravenous Anti-arrhythmic Drugs on the Termination of Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia in Heart Failure Patients (ポスター,一般) 2014/03/23
159. |
Selection of Patients after the Re-establishment of Spontaneous Circulation for the Strategy with Immediate Coronary Angiography and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (口頭発表,一般) 2014/03/23
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Blood Urea Nitrogen/Creatinine Ratio Predict Response to Tolvaptan in Hospitalized Decompensated Heart Failure Patients (ポスター,一般) 2014/03/21
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Necessity of a Comprehensive Treatment Approach for Heart Failure Patients (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2014/03/21
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Predictors of Arrhythmic Events in High-risk Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (口頭発表,一般) 2014/03/21
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The Lesion Characteristics Associated with the Mismatch between Angiographic Severity of Stenosis and Fractional Flow Reserve (ポスター,一般) 2014/03/21
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Thyroid Function and Outcome in Hospitalized Patients with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ポスター,一般) 2014/03/21
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消失していた左室流出路圧較差がたこつぼ型心筋症の発症により再燃した一例 (口頭発表,一般) 2013/12/07
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硝酸薬注射により狭窄の改善を認めたことから診断された冠動脈攣縮による不安定狭心症の1例 (口頭発表,一般) 2013/12/07
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腎医学会職術前に大動脈完全閉塞に対して血管内治療を施行したsmall aorta syndromeの一例 (口頭発表,一般) 2013/09/21
168. |
生体腎移植術後の移植腎静脈吻合部中枢側に生じた血栓閉塞に対して血管内治療を施行し、移植腎機能を改善し得た一例 (ポスター,一般) 2013/09/21
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急性非代償性心不全患者の入院時炎症マーカーが院内予後に与える影響に関する検討 (ポスター,一般) 2013/09/20
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腎移植術前に大動脈完全閉塞に対して血管内治療を施行したsmall aorta syndromeの一例 (口頭発表,一般) 2013/05/16
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回旋枝の異所性開口(右冠尖起始)のため、診断に苦慮した急性心筋梗塞の一例 (口頭発表,一般) 2013/05/11
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History of AF as Risk Factor for Mortality of Acute Heart Failure Patients in Sinus Rhythm on Admission (ポスター,一般) 2013/03/17
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Impact of Diastolic Blood Pressure on Clinical Outcome of Acute Heart Failure: From ATTEND Registry (口頭発表,一般) 2013/03/17
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Phenotypic Overlap in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Apical Hypertrophy, Midventricular Obstruction, and Apical Aneurysm (口頭発表,一般) 2013/03/17
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Association between Renal Dysfunction and In-hospital Mortality in Patients Hospitalized with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure under Japanese Medical Care (ポスター,一般) 2013/03/16
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PCI および心臓カテーテル検査の急性期合併症について (口頭発表,シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2012/12/14
177. |
女子医大における慢性血栓塞栓性肺高血圧症に対する経皮的肺動脈バルーン拡張術 (口頭発表,一般) 2012/09/29
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非虚血性心原性ショックに対する大動脈内バルーンパンピングの効果 (ポスター,一般) 2012/09/16
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薬物溶出ステント時代における高齢者(80歳以上)に対する経皮的冠動脈形成術の予後 (ポスター,一般) 2012/07/12
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心不全患者の睡眠呼吸障害における体液動態の役割 (ポスター,一般) 2012/06/29
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異なる機序で発症したType2Myocardial Infarction3 症例に対する治療戦略の検討 (口頭発表,一般) 2012/05/12
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Efficacy of Oral Pimobendan on Weaning from Intravenous Positive Inotropic Agents in Advanced Heart Failure (ポスター,一般) 2012/03/18
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Intra Aortic Balloon Pump Counterpulsation for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure: An Analysis from the ATTEND Registry (ポスター,一般) 2012/03/18
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Predictors of In-hospital Mortality in Ischemic Acute Heart Failure: A Report from the ATTEND
Registry (ポスター,一般) 2012/03/18
185. |
Clinical Implications of Alternating Central Sleep Apnea in Patients with Heart Failure (ポスター,一般) 2012/03/17
186. |
Heart Rhythm at Admission and Short-term Outcome in Acute Heart Failure: Atrial Fibrillation
vs Sinus Rhythm (口頭発表,一般) 2012/03/17
187. |
Prevalence and Characteristics of Chronic Pulmonary Disease in Patients with Heart Failure (ポスター,一般) 2012/03/17
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Importance of Checking Cool Extremities with Preserved Systolic Function in Acute Heart Failure Syndromes –A Report from ATTEND Registry (ポスター,一般) 2012/03/16
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東京都CCUネットワークにおける致死性心室性不整脈の動向2005年-2007年 2011/12/11
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右室負荷を伴う肺動脈病変を合併したWegener肉芽腫症の1例 (口頭発表,一般) 2011/11/25
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左主幹部の急性心筋梗塞ショック症例に対して血行再建術が奏効したが小腸出血のコントロールに難渋した一症例の検討 (口頭発表,一般) 2011/10/29
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大動脈弁狭窄症による治療抵抗性急性心不全に対して経皮的大動脈弁拡張術を準緊急で行い奏効した一症例の検討 (口頭発表,一般) 2011/10/29
193. |
睡眠時無呼吸症候群と心不全の関係 (シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2011/09/24
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右室負荷を伴う肺動脈病変を合併したWegener肉芽腫症の1例 (口頭発表,一般) 2011/09/10
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The Differences of Hemodynamic Response Between Nicorandil and Carperitide in Patients with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ポスター,一般) 2011/08/30
196. |
Age-related differences in patients with acute decompensated heart failure syndromes: A report from the ATTEND registry (ポスター,一般) 2011/08/04
197. |
Circadian Patterns on the Occurrence of Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias Triggering Defibrillator Interventions in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (口頭発表,一般) 2011/08/03
198. |
Does Any Case Require Initial Intravenous Inotropic Agents in Acute Heart Failure Syndromes with Lower Blood Pressure? (ポスター,一般) 2011/03/20
199. |
Impact of Pulmonary Artery Pressure and Transpulmonary gradient on Long-term Outcome in Dilated Cardiomyopathy Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension (ポスター,一般) 2011/03/20
200. |
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy (ポスター,一般) 2011/03/20
201. |
Clinical Phases Vary with Time Course in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy/Dysplasia (口頭発表,一般) 2011/03/19
202. |
Prognostic Implications of Diagnostic Criteria for Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy/Dysplasia: Long Term Follow Up at a Tertiary Hospital in Japan (口頭発表,一般) 2011/03/19
203. |
Should Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation be Considered in All Patients with Acute Heart Failure Syndromes? -Perspectives from the ATTEND Registry- (シンポジウム・ワークショップ・パネルディスカッション等) 2011/03/19
204. |
Comparison of angiographic outcomes after paclitaxel- and sirolimus- eluting stents implantation in chronic total occulusions (一般) 2010/08
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Heart Failure Etiology and Hemodynamic Response to Nicorandil in Patients With Acute Heart Failure Syndromes (口頭発表,一般) 2010/08
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超高齢・低心機能・正常血圧の虚血性急性心不全にニコランジルの静脈内投与が有用であった一例~虚血・非虚血でニコランジルの有用性に差異はあるのか?~ (口頭発表,一般) 2010/06/19
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Effects of Flecainide on Left Ventricular Pressure Gradient and Prognosis in Patients with Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: A Comparison between Flecainide and Disopyramide (一般) 2009/11
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急性心不全・NIPPV療法 2009/07
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Acute hemodynamic efficacy and safety of intravenous administration of nicorandil in patients with acute heart failure syndromes (一般) 2009/05
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Day and Time of Admission, Clinical Characteristics, and Outcomes in Acute Heart Failure Syndromes: A Report from the ATTEND Registry (一般) 2009/03
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タコツボ心筋症5症例におけるT2-STIR画像および遅延造影像の検討 (一般) 2009/01