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 八千代医療センター 小児科
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


Associate Professor:
   HAMADA Hiromichi
Assistant Professor:
   木村 翔
   佐藤 聡子
   篠﨑 啓介
   下山 恭平
   Sugiura Kenta
   塚原 正之
   廣瀬 翔子
   前田 泰宏
   渡邊 肇子
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
1.    (Grant No.:16K10329)
 Budget amount:\1,600,000  (Principal investigator)
2.    (Grant No.:18ek0109270h0002)
 Budget amount:\500,000  (Co-investigator)
3.    (Grant No.:H30-難治等(難)-一般-007)
 Budget amount:\300,000  (Co-investigator)
4.    (Grant No.:H30-難治等(難)-一般-008)
 Budget amount:\600,000  (Co-investigator)
5.  AMED  (Grant No.:18fk0108078h0201で)
 Budget amount:\650,000  (Co-investigator)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
First authorCorresponding
Co-authorFirst authorCorresponding
Co-author First authorCo-authorFirst authorCo-author PresenterCo-presenterPresenterCo-presenter PresenterCo-presenter
 4 2 2 4 5 4  0 0 0 1  11 4  0 1  1 0
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Hamada H, Suzuki H, Onouchi Y, Ebata R, Terai M, Fuse S, Okajima Y, Kurotobi S, Hirai K, Soga T, Ishiguchi Y, Okuma Y, Takada N, Yanai M, Sato J, Nakayashiro M, Ayusawa M, Yamamoto E, Nomura Y, Hashimura Y, Ouchi K, Masuda H, Takatsuki S, Hirono K, Ariga T, Higaki T, Otsuki A, Terauchi M, Aoyagi R, Sato T, Fujii Y, Fujiwara T, Hanaoka H, Hata A:  Efficacy of primary treatment with immunoglobulin plus cyclosporine for prevention of coronary artery abnormalities in Kawasaki disease patients predicted to be at increased risk of IVIG non-response (KAICA study): a controlled, phase 3, randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoints trial.  Lancet  393 (10176) :1128-1137 , 2019.3   DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32003-8
2. Hamada Hiromichi:  Investigation of novel variations of ORAI1 gene and their association with Kawasaki disease.  Journal of human genetics  10.1038/s10038-019-0588-2 :10.1038/s10038-019-0588-2-10.1038/s10038-019-0588-2 , 2019.3   DOI:10.1038/s10038-019-0588-2
3. Hamada Hiromichi:  Efficacy of primary treatment with immunoglobulin plus cyclosporine for prevention of coronary artery abnormalities in Kawasaki disease patients predicted to be at increased risk of IVIG non-response (KAICA study): a controlled, phase 3, randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoints trial.  Lancet  393 (10176) :1128-1137 , 2019.3   DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32003-8
4. 廣瀬翔子, 深沢千絵, 奥井秀由起, 澤田恭子, 佐藤万里, 星野直:  小児発熱性好中球減少症(FN)患者における血液培養分離菌株の検討.  THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS  71 (5) :245-255 , 2018.10
5. Takase Nanako, Igarashi Noboru, Taneichi Hiromichi, Yasukawa Kumi, Honda Takafumi, Hamada Hiromichi, Takanashi Jun-ichi*:  Infantile traumatic brain injury with a biphasic clinical course and late reduced diffusion.  Journal of the Neurological Sciences  390 :63-66 , 2018   DOI:10.1016/j.jns.2018.04.010
Review article
1. Takanashi Jun-ichi*:  AJNR News Digest. Neuroradiological features of CASK mutations.  AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology  http://ajnrdigest.or :1-1 , 2018.9
2. 髙梨潤一*:  小児の中枢神経画像 update:急性脳炎・脳症.  小児科診療  81 (8) :1049-1057 , 2018.8
Case report
1. 加藤いづみ, 高居宏武, 小玉隆裕, 阿部克明, 橋本祐至, 金澤正樹、寺井勝:  13価肺炎球結合型ワクチン接種後に肺炎球菌性髄膜炎を発症した10カ月児.  小児科臨床  71 (11) :2349-2355 , 2018.11
2. Shimada S, Oguni H, Otani Y, Nishikawa A, Ito S, Eto K, Nakazawa T, Yamamoto-Shimojima K, Takanashi J, Nagata S, Yamamoto T:  An episode of acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion followed by hemiplegia and intractable epilepsy observed in a patient with a novel frameshift mutation in HNRNPU.  Brain & Development  40 (9) :813-818 , 2018.9   DOI:10.1016/j.braindev.2018.05.010 Link
3. 松田奈央子, 藤森誠, 濱田洋通, 髙梨潤一*:  黄色ブドウ球菌による化膿性筋炎を発症した新生児の1例.  小児感染免疫  29 :345-350 , 2018
4. 藤田瑞穂, 下山恭平, 大塚直哉, 林北見, 才津浩智,松本直通,髙梨潤一*:  先天性片麻痺を呈したCOL4A1関連症候群の父子例.  脳と発達  50 :424-428 , 2018
5. Ishida S, Yasukawa K, Koizumi M, Abe K, Hirai N, Honda T, Sakuma S, Tada H, Takanashi J*:  Excitotoxicity in encephalopathy associated with STEC O-157 infection.  Brain & Development  40 :357-360 , 2018   DOI:10.1016/j.braindev.2017.11.008
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1. 杉浦健太:  中耳炎の診断と身体診察.  小児科診療  81 (11) :1476-1482 , 2018.11
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■ Books
1. Takanashi Jun-ichi:  Neuroimaging on Pediatric Encephalopathy in Japan.  Acute Encephalopathy and Encephalitis in Infancy and Its related Disorders  53-62.  ELSEVIER,  USA, St. Louis, Missouri, 2018
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Sano K, Murofushi Y, Osaka H, Inoue K, Sasaki M, Sato N, Takanashi J: MR spectroscopy in seven Japanese patients with TUBB4A associated hypomyelinating leukoencephalopathy.  41th European Society of Neuroradiology,  Rotterdam, Netherlands,  2018/09
2. ◎山本陽子, 今井 憲, 佐藤友哉, 戸津五月, 平澤恭子, 和田雅樹, 髙梨潤一, 永田 智: 出生直後より眼瞼・全身性の律動性ミオクローヌスを認めた小脳脳幹形成異常の1例.  第70回日本小児神経学会関東地方会,  大宮,  2019/03
3. ◎髙梨潤一: 自己免疫性脳炎の臨床:抗NMDA受容体脳炎を中心に.  第38回日本画像医学会,  東京、日本,  2019/03
4. ◎髙梨潤一: MR spectroscopyで診る小児脳病態.  第42回日本脳神経CI学会総会,  東京、日本,  2019/03
5. 出口薫太朗, 廣瀬翔子, 濱田洋通, 原真由美, 小泉舞, 佐藤聡子, 藤森誠, 本田隆文, 安川 久美: 集中治療を必要とした重症下気道感染症における呼吸器ウイルスの検出 5年間の検討.  第50回日本小児感染症学会総会,  福岡,  2018/11
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