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 八千代医療センター 病理診断科
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


Associate Professor:
   増永 敦子
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
 Budget amount:\5,400,000  (Principal investigator)
 Budget amount:\5,000,000  (Co-investigator)
 Budget amount:\5,000,000  (Co-investigator)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
First authorCorresponding
Co-authorFirst authorCorresponding
Co-author First authorCo-authorFirst authorCo-author PresenterCo-presenterPresenterCo-presenter PresenterCo-presenter
 4 2 0 1 2 16  0 11 0 0  12 4  3 2  0 0
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Tada Y, Hiroshima K, Shimada H, Shingyoji M, Suzuki T, Umezawa H, Sekine I, Takiguchi Y, Tatsumi K, Tagawa M.:  An intrapleural administration of zoledronic acid for inoperable malignant mesothelioma patients: a phase I clinical study protocol.  Springerplus  5 :195 , 2016.2   DOI:10.1186/s40064-016-1893-2
2. Sciarra A, Di Tommaso L, Nakano M, Destro A, Torzilli G, Donadon M, Maggioni M, Bosari S, Bulfamante G, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Ichikawa T, Morisaka H, Sano K, Ichikawa S, Roncalli M.:  Morphophenotypic changes in human multistep hepatocarcinogenesis with translational implications.  Journal of hepatology  64 (1) :87-93 , 2016.1   DOI:10.1016/j.jhep.2015.08.031
3. Yamauchi S, Kawamura K, Okamoto S, Morinaga T, Jiang Y, Shingyoji M, Sekine I, Kubo S, Tada Y, Tatsumi K, Shimada H, Hiroshima K, Tagawa M.:  Replication-competent adenoviruses with the type 35-derived fiber-knob region achieve reactive oxygen species-dependent cytotoxicity and produce greater toxicity than those with the type 5-derived region in pancreatic carcinoma.  Apoptosis : an international journal on programmed cell death  20 (12) :1587-1598 , 2015.11   DOI:10.1007/s10495-015-1171-8
4. Zhibin Gao, Kenzo Hiroshima, Xiaodong Wu, Jixian Zhang,Dichu Shao, Huajiang Shao, Hanqing Yang, Toshikazu Yusa, Takako Kiyokawa, Makio Kobayashi, Yasushi Shinohara, Oluf D. Røe,Xing Zhang, Kenji Morinaga:  Asbestos textile production linked to malignant peritoneal and pleural mesothelioma in women: Analysis of 28 cases in Southeast China.  American journal of industrial medicine  58 (10) :1040-1049 , 2015.10   DOI:10.1002/ajim.22494
5. Hida T, Matsumoto S, Hamasaki M, Kawahara K, Tsujimura T, Hiroshima K, Kamei T, Taguchi K, Iwasaki A, Oda Y, Honda H, Nabeshima K.:  Deletion status of p16 in effusion smear preparation correlates with that of underlying malignant pleural mesothelioma tissue.  Cancer Science  106 (11) :1635-1641 , 2015.8   DOI:10.1111/cas.12769
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Review article
1. 中野雅行*:  【混合型肝癌の新病理分類とそれに基づいた画像再評価】 混合型肝癌の病理 胆管細胞癌か肝細胞癌かCK7免疫染色の有用性.  Liver Cancer  21 :5-9 , 2015.11
2. 廣島健三:  増え続ける悪性胸膜中皮腫 ~病理診断の困難さ~.  山形県臨床細胞学会会報  (34) :2-21 , 2015.10
3. 中野雅行*:  【アルコール医学・医療の最前線2015 Update】 アルコールの基礎医学 アルコール性臓器障害の病理 機能・形態の変化.  医学のあゆみ  254 (10) :901-905 , 2015.9
4. 廣島健三:  悪性胸膜中皮腫 ~病理診断の困難さ~.  日本職業・災害医学会会誌  63 (4) :215-218 , 2015.7
Case report
1. Hida T, Hamasaki M, Matsumoto S, Abe S, Takakura K, Hiroshima K, Nabeshima K.:  Diffuse intrapulmonary malignant mesothelioma presenting with miliary pulmonary nodules: A case report.  Pathology International  65 (6) :318-323 , 2015.5   DOI:10.1111/pin.12282.
1. Hiroshima K, Wu Di, Hasegawa M, Koh E, Sekine Y, Ozaki D, Yusa T.:  Diagnosis of Malignant Mesothelioma With Effusion Cytology.  Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine  140 :263 , 2016.3
2. Suzuki M, Mohamed S, Nakajima T, Kubo R, Tian L, Fujiwara T, Suzuki H, Nagato K, Chiyo M, Motohashi S, Yasufuku K, Iyoda A, Yoshida S, Sekine Y, Shibuya K, Hiroshima K, Nakatani Y, Yoshino I, Fujisawa T.:  [Corrigendum] Aberrant methylation of CXCL12 in non-small cell lung cancer is associated with an unfavorable prognosis.  International journal of oncology  47 (2) :791 , 2015.6   DOI:10.3892/ijo.2015.3046
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■ Books
1. 廣島健三:  早期中皮腫の病理.  石綿関連疾患の病理とそのリスクコミュニケーション  68-75.  篠原出版新社,  東京, 2015.12
2. 廣島健三, 亀井敏昭:  体腔液 総論 A. 発生・解剖・超微形態.  細胞診ガイドライン4 呼吸器・胸腺・体腔液・リンパ節  118-119.  金原出版,  東京, 2015.6
3. 廣島健三, 河原邦光:  体腔液 総論 D. 体腔液貯留と臨床所見(石綿胸水症を含む).  細胞診ガイドライン4 呼吸器・胸腺・体腔液・リンパ節  122-123.  金原出版,  東京, 2015.6
4. 廣島健三, 三浦弘守:  体腔液 総論 J. 体腔液細胞診の進め方.  細胞診ガイドライン4 呼吸器・胸腺・体腔液・リンパ節  136-137.  金原出版,  東京, 2015.6
5. 廣島健三, 辻村亨:  体腔液 各論 E. 悪性中皮腫 4. 早期胸膜中皮腫.  細胞診ガイドライン4 呼吸器・胸腺・体腔液・リンパ節  157-158.  金原出版,  東京, 2015.6
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎Ann E. Walts, Kenzo Hiroshima, Stephanie McGregor, Aliya Husain, Alberto M. Marchevsky: BAP1 Immunostain and p16 FISH: Clinical Applicability to Confirm Malignant Mesothelioma in Effusions.  United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology 105th Annual Meeting,  Seattle, Washington,  2016/03
2. ◎Kenzo Hiroshima, Di Wu, Mizue Hasegawa, Yasuo Sekine, Daisuke Ozaki, Toshikazu Yusa, Zhibin Gao, Ann E.Walts, Alberto M. Marchevsky, Yuji Tada, Hideaki Shimada, Masatoshi Tagawa: Utility of BAP1 FISH and immunohistochemistry in Distinguishing between Mesothelioma and Reactive Mesothelial Proliferation. Comparison with Analysis of p16/CDKN2A.  United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology 105th Annual Meeting,  Seattle, Washington,  2016/03
3. ◎廣島健三: 悪性中皮腫の病理診断.  浙江省中皮腫診断セミナー,  杭州, 中華人民共和国,  2015/12
4. ◎Masatoshi Tagawa, Takao Morinaga, Kiyoko Kawamura, Shinya Okamoto, Shuji Kubo, Masato Shingyoji, Ikuo Sekine, Yuji Tad, Koichiro Tatsumi, Hideaki Shimada, Kenzo Hiroshima: Inhibition of Mdm2 but not Mdm4 binding by small molecules enhances cytotoxic activities of Ad-p53 on mesothelioma.  European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Annual Meeting,  Helsinki,  2015/09
5. ◎Hiroshima K, Wu D, Hasegawa M, Ko E, Sekine Y, Ozaki D, Yusa T: Diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma with effusion cytology.  2015 Pulmonary Pathology Society Biennial Meeting,  San Francisco,  2015/06
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