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 八千代医療センター 病理診断科
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


Assistant Professor:
   KAWAMURA Shunji
Assistant Professor:
   河合 繁夫
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
 Budget amount:\5,400,000  (Principal investigator)
 Budget amount:\5,000,000  (Co-investigator)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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 4 0 2 1 1 9  0 4 0 1  10 7  5 12  0 6
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Okamoto, S. Jiang, Y. Kawamura, K. Shingyoji, M. Tada, Y. Sekine, I. Takiguchi, Y. Tatsumi, K. Kobayashi, H. Shimada, H. Hiroshima, K. Tagawa, M.:  Zoledronic acid induces apoptosis and S-phase arrest in mesothelioma through inhibiting Rab family proteins and topoisomerase II actions.  Cell death&disease  5 :e1517 , 2014.11   DOI:10.1038/cddis.2014.475
2. Kawai T, Hiroshima K, Kamei T:  Pulmonary Pathology: SY22-2 DIAGNOSIS OF MESOTHELIOMA BY CYTOLOGY USING JAPANESE CRITERIA.  Pathology  46 Suppl 2 :S39 , 2014.10   DOI:10.1097/01.PAT.0000454221.37254.a1
3. Suzuki T, Kawamura K, Li Q, Okamoto S, Tada Y, Tatsumi K, Shimada H, Hiroshima K, Yamaguchi N, Tagawa M.:  Mesenchymal stem cells are efficiently transduced with adenoviruses bearing type 35-derived fibers and the transduced cells with the IL-28A gene produces cytotoxicity to lung carcinoma cells co-cultured.  BMC cancer  14 :713 , 2014.9   DOI:10.1186/1471-2407-14-713
4. Sekine, Y. Hata, A. Koh, E. Hiroshima, K.:  Lung carcinogenesis from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: characteristics of lung cancer from COPD and contribution of signal transducers and lung stem cells in the inflammatory microenvironment.  General thoracic and cardiovascular surgery  62 (7) :415-21 , 2014.7   DOI:10.1007/s11748-014-0386-x
Review article
1. 中野雅行*:  【最新肝癌学-基礎と臨床の最新研究動向-】 肝癌の浸潤・転移 肝細胞癌の多中心性発生と肝内転移.  日本臨床  73 (増刊1) :302-306 , 2015.1
2. 中野雅行*:  早期肝細胞癌の診断は形態学的にどこまで迫れるか.  Liver Cancer  20 :43-47 , 2014.11
3. 中野雅行*:  【肝細胞腺腫、FNHと周辺病変の新しい考え方】 肝細胞腺腫、FNHおよび周辺病変の病理 肝細胞腺腫の亜分類と形態.  肝・胆・膵  69 (5) :703-709 , 2014.11
4. Pelosi G, Hiroshima K, Mino-Kenudson M:  Controversial issues and new discovery in lung neuroendocrine tumors.  Diagnostic histopathology / published in association with the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland  20 (10) :392-397 , 2014.10   DOI:ISSN 1756-2317
5. 中野雅行*:  【修復の病理学】 病理像修復の機序と臨床 "Cirrhosis"の可逆性に関する考察.  肝・胆・膵  68 (5) :705-708 , 2014.5
Case report
1. Hasegawa, M. Sakai, F. Sato, A. Tsubomizu, S. Arimura, K. Katsura, H. Koh, E. Sekine, Y. Wu, D. Hiroshima, K.:  FISH analysis of intrapulmonary malignant mesothelioma without a clinically detectable primary pleural lesion: an autopsy case.  Japanese journal of clinical oncology  44 (12) :1239-42 , 2014.12   DOI:10.1093/jjco/hyu139
2. Yoshino M,Sekine Y, Koh E, Kume Y, Saito H, Kimura S, Hamada H, Wu D, Hiroshima K.:  Pericardial synovial sarcoma: a case report and review of the literature.  Surgery today  44 (11) :2167-73 , 2014.11   DOI:10.1007/s00595-013-0720-4
3. Hata A, Sekine Y, Koh E, Hiroshima K:  Operative wound implantation of inflammatory sarcomatoid carcinoma of the lung.  The Annals of thoracic surgery  98 (3) :1111-3 , 2014.9   DOI:10.1016/j.athoracsur.2013.10.086
4. Yamada C, Yoneda C, Ogino J, Fukushima S, Kodama S, Asano C, Masuda M, Horie-Tajima K, Toyonaga A, Hiroshima K, Kawamura S, Hashimoto N.:  An autopsy case of macroglobulinemia complicated with syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH) like hyponatremia, hypopituitarism and AL amyloidosis.  Endocrine Journal  61 (5) :417-23 , 2014.5   DOI:PMID: 24521938
5. 塩田広宣, 安川朋久, 千代雅子, 由佐俊和, 尾崎大介, 廣島健三:  中枢気道狭窄を来しYステント留置後,化学放射線療法を施行した神経内分泌分化を示す大細胞肺癌の1例.  肺癌  54 (1) :12-16 , 2014.4
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1. Kenzo Hiroshima, Di Wu, Mizue Hasegawa, Yasuo Sekine MD, Daisuke Ozaki, 6. Toshikazu Yusa, Yuji Tada MD, Hideaki Shimada, Masatoshi Tagawa MD.:  Usefulness of FISH Analysis Combined with Immunofluorescence in the Cytological Diagnosis of Mesothelioma in Serosal Effusions.  Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc  28 (Supplement 2s) :93A , 2015.3
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■ Books
1. Pelosi, G, Fukuoka J, Hiroshima K, Marchevsky AM:  Metastases to the lung.  WHO Classification of Tumours of the Lung, Pleura, Thymus and Heart. 4th Edition.  148-151.  International Agency for Research and Cancer (IARC),  Lyon, France, 2015.3
2. 廣島健三:  紡錘細胞あるいは巨細胞を含む癌(多形癌、紡錘細胞癌、巨細胞癌).  腫瘍病理鑑別診断アトラス  108-112.  文光堂,  東京, 2014.11
3. 廣島健三:  中皮腫のFISHによる遺伝子診断update.  分子細胞治療フロンティア2015  119-127.  飯田橋パピルス,  東京, 2014.8
4. 廣島健三:  大細胞癌 vs 小細胞癌 vs 大細胞神経内分泌癌.  細胞診断マニュアル-細胞像の見方と診断へのアプローチ-  100-101.  篠原出版新社,  東京, 2014.5
5. 廣島健三:  反応性中皮増生と中皮腫の鑑別.  腫瘍病理鑑別診断アトラス 縦隔腫瘍・胸膜腫瘍  248-254.  文光堂,  東京, 2014.4
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎Kenzo Hiroshima, Di Wu, Mizue Hasegawa, Yasuo Sekine, Daisuke Ozaki, Toshikazu Yusa, Yuji Tada, Hideaki Shimada, Masatoshi Tagawa: Usefulness of FISH Analysis Combined With Immunofluorescence in the Cytological Diagnosis of Mesothelioma in Serosal Effusions.  United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology 104th Annual Meeting,  Boston, USA,  2015/03
2. ◎Tomoyuki Hida, Shinji Matsumoto, Makoto Hamasaki, Sohsei Abe, Tohru Tsujimura, Kenzo Hiroshima, Kazuki Nabeshima: p16 FISH Deletion Status in Effusion Smear Preparations Correlates With That in Underlying Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.  United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology 104th Annual Meeting,  Boston, USA,  2015/03
3. ◎Alexander J Gallan, Vijayalakshmi Ananthanarayanan, Kenzo Hiroshima, Alberto M Marchevsky, Stephanie McGregor, MAngeles Montero, Kazuki Nabeshima, Wickii Vigneswaran, Ann E Walts, Thomas Krausz, Aliya N Husain: Necrosis and Solid Growth Pattern Augment Nuclear Grading in Predicting Survival in Epithelioid Malignant Mesothelioma: An International, Multi-Institutional Study.  United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology 104th Annual Meeting,  Boston, USA,  2015/03
4. ◎廣島健三: 最新の中皮腫病理診断.  日中石綿関連癌診断学術交流会,  北京, 中華人民共和国,  2015/03
5. ◎HANAWA Tomohide, ARIMURA Ken, SEKINE Yasuo, SATO Akitoshi, HATA Atsushi, YANAGISAWA Asako, HASEGAWA Mizue, HIROSHIMA Kenzo, KATSURA Hideki, TAGAYA Etsuko, TAKEYAMA Kiyoshi, KONDO Mitsuko, TAMAOKI Jun: The study of rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) during endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA).  19th Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Respirology,  Bali, Indoneia,  2014/11
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