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 Department of Forensic Medicine
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Academic conference presentation


   KIBAYASHI Kazuhiko
Assistant Professor:
   SHIMADA Riyou
   TAKI Takashi
Assistant Professor:
   NAKAO Ken'ichirou
   MACHIDA Mitsuyo
   TATARA Yuki
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
1.    (Grant No.:16K09220)
 Budget amount:\900,000  (Principal investigator)
2.    (Grant No.:18K10136)
 Budget amount:\1,500,000  (Principal investigator)
3.    (Grant No.:18K17420)
 Budget amount:\2,500,000  (Principal investigator)
4.    (Grant No.:17K18134)
 Budget amount:\900,000  (Principal investigator)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Nakao Ken-ichiro*, TATARA Yuki, Kibayashi Kazuhiko:  Detection of cocaine and metabolites from mouse femur buried in soil.  Legal medicine  37 :1-6 , 2019.3   DOI:10.1016/j.legalmed.2018.11.005
2. Tominaga Tadasuke, Shimada Ryo*, Okada Yoshikazu, Kawamata Takakazu, Kibayashi Kazuhiko:  Senescence-associated-β-galactosidase staining following traumatic brain injury in the mouse cerebrum.  PLoS ONE  14 (3) :e0213673 , 2019.3   DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0213673
3. Shimada Ryo*, Kibayashi Kazuhiko:  Changes in dopamine transporter expression in the mouse midbrain following traumatic brain injury accompanied by restraint stress.  Research and Practice of Forensic Medicine  61 :169-178 , 2018.12
Case report
1. Kibayashi Kazuhiko*, Shimada Ryo, Nakao Ken-ichiro:  Delayed death due to traumatic dissection of the common carotid artery after attempted suicide by hanging.  Medicine, science, and the law  59 (1) :17-19 , 2019.1   DOI:10.1177/0025802418825390
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎Kibayashi Kazuhiko: Pre-existing diabetes mellitus contributes to the exacerbation of traumatic brain injury: An experimental study of mice.  International Brain Injury Association’s 13th World Congress on Brain Injury,  Toronto, Canada,  2019/03
2. ◎Kibayashi Kazuhiko: Exacerbation of traumatic brain injury in the presence of diabetes mellitus: An experimental study of mice.  71st American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Scientific Meeting,  Baltimore, MD,  2019/02
3. ◎Machida Mitsuyo, KIBAYASHI Kazuhiko: An evaluation of the efficacy of whole genome amplification (WGA) for degraded DNA.  71st American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Scientific Meeting,  Baltimore, MD, USA,  2019/02
4. ◎Kibayashi Kazuhiko, TATARA Yuki: Characteristics of patients who died after receiving blunt force impact to the head: An autopsy study.  The 3rd Joint Symposium of the International and National Neurotruma Societies and AANS/CNC Section on Neurotrauma and Critical Care (NEUROTRAUMA 2018),  Toronto, Canada,  2018/08
5. ◎TATARA Yuki, KIBAYASHI Kazuhiko, SHIMADA Ryo: Experimental study of exacerbation of traumatic brain injury in the presence of diabetes mellitus.  The 3rd Joint Symposium of the International and National Neurotruma Societies and AANS/CNC Section on Neurotrauma and Critical Care (NEUROTRAUMA 2018),  Toronto, Canada,  2018/08
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  :Corresponding Author
 :First Author