Academic yr: <<< Previous 2021 2022 2023 | 2024 Next >>>
 Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Division of Public Health, Section of Global Health
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


   SUGISHITA Tomohiko
Associate Professor:
   SAKAMOTO Haruka
Assistant Professor:
   HONMA Hajime
Assistant Professor:
   IWASHITA Hanako
   ARISUE Nobuko
   NAGI Sachiyo
   MASUDA Gaku
   MORI Toshiyuki
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
 Budget amount:\1,500,000  (代表)
2.  Researcher Exchange Program  (Grant No.:120239939)
 Project title:Integrated Malaria Vector Management in Kenya: Accelerated by Deep Learning  (研究代表者:Hanako Iwashita)
 Budget amount:\4,000,000  (代表)
3.    (Grant No.:23K06520)
 Budget amount:\1,100,000  (代表)
 Project title:Determination of a gold-standard diagnostic method for the mapping of Strongyloides stercoralis in Cameroon
 Budget amount:\3,000,000  (分担)
 Budget amount:\1,350,000  (代表)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
First authorCorresponding
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Souma Jo Toshiaki , Osawa Ryosuke, Nakamura Risa , Futami Kyoko, Itayama Tomoaki, Asena Chadeka Evans , Ngetich Benard, Nagi Sachiyo , Kikuchi Mihoko , M. Njenga Sammy, Ouma Colins , O. Sonye George , Hamano Shinjiro , Minamoto Toshifumi:  Methodological assessment for efficient collection of Schistosoma mansoni environmental DNA and improved schistosomiasis surveillance in tropical wetlands.  International Journal for Parasitology  12 (1) :13-20 , 2024.3
2. Harada Yuriko, Iwashita Hanako, Moriyasu Taeko, Nagi Sachiyo, Saito Nobuo, Sugawara-Mikami Mariko, Yoshioka Kota*, Yotsu Rie:  The current status of neglected tropical diseases in Japan: A scoping review.  PLoS neglected tropical diseases  18 (1) :e0011854 , 2024.1   DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.0011854
3. Madoka Kishino*, Azumi Hida, Evans A Chadeka, Manabu Inoue, Mayuko Osada-Oka, Sohkichi Matsumoto, Sammy M Njenga, Shinjiro Hamano, Sachiyo Nagi*:  Association between diet quality and risk of stunting among school-aged children in Schistosoma mansoni endemic area of western Kenya: a cross-sectional study.  Tropical medicine and health  52 (1) :12 , 2024.1   DOI:10.1186/s41182-023-00566-0
4. Mori Toshiyuki, Nakashima Mai:  Sequence-dependent heterochromatin formation in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.  Heliyon  9 (9) :e19164 , 2023.8   DOI:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19164
5. Rawal Lal, Dahal Padam, Paudel Grish, Biswas Tuhin, Shrestha Rabina, Makaju Deepa, Shrestha Abha, Yadav Uday, Sahle Berhe W, Iwashita Hanako, Masuda Gaku, Renzaho Andre, Shakya Prabin, Shrestha Archana, Karmacharya Biraj, Sakamoto Haruka, Koju Rajendra, Sugishita Tomohiko:  Community-based lifestyle intervention for diabetes (Co-LID study) management rural Nepal: study protocol for a clustered randomized controlled trial.  Trials  24 (1) :441 , 2023.7   DOI:10.1186/s13063-023-07451-5
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Review article
1. 益田岳:  ドローン空撮マルチスペクトル画像の解析でマラリア媒介蚊発生源地図を作る.  日本写真学会誌  86 :40-45 , 2023
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■ Books
1. 坂元晴香:  格差のない平和で健康な社会を目指して ーアフリカの保健医療システムに関する研究のご紹介ー.  機関誌「アフリカ」  20-23.  一般社団法人 アフリカ協会,  日本, 2023.4 Link
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. @MASUDA Gaku, Kawada Hitoshi, Nakazawa Shusuke, Pemba Dylo Foster, Ngumbira Thomson: Drone Technology for Malaria Control: Locating and Managing Mosquito Breeding Sites.  16th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology,  Sabah,  2023/09 Link
2. @Maeno Yoshimasa, Chinh Vu Duc , Masuda Gaku, Hung Vu Viet, Takagi Hidekazu, Annoura Takeshi , Kawai Satoru , Cullenton Richard: The Effectiveness of Epidemiological Studies of Mosquito Vectors for the Understanding ofZoonotic Malaria.  16th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology,  Sabah,  2023/09 Link
3. 森稔幸、 中嶋舞: 熱帯熱マラリア原虫のヘテロクロマチン維持機構に関与する分子の探索.  第93回日本寄生虫学会大会,  東京,  2024/03
4. 岩下 華子: ネパールの非感染性疾患対策における実装戦略.  グローバルヘルス合同大会2023,  東京,  2023/11
5. 森稔幸、 中嶋舞: マラリア原虫における配列依存的ヘテロクロマチン化.  日本エピジェネティクス研究会年会,  東京,  2023/06
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 :First Author