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 Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Academic conference presentation


   YAGI Jiyunji
Associate Professor:
Assistant Professor:
   OOSAKA Toshifumi
Assistant Professor:
   KATOU Hidehito
   ASHINO Shigeru
   Miyuki Omori-Miyake
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
 Budget amount:\9,848,000  (Principal investigator)
 Budget amount:\1,430,000  (Principal investigator)
 Budget amount:\2,000,000  (Principal investigator)
 Budget amount:\225,000  (Principal investigator)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Takeda Katsuyuki, Webb Tracy L, Ning Fangkun, Shiraishi Yoshiki, Regan Daniel P, Chow Lyndah, Smith Mia J, Ashino Shigeru, Guth Amanda M, Hopkins Sophie, Gelfand Erwin W, Dow Steven:  Mesenchymal Stem Cells Recruit CCR2+ Monocytes To Suppress Allergic Airway Inflammation.  Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)  200 (4) :1261-1269 , 2018.2   DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.1700562
2. Toshifumi Osaka, Eri Moriyama, Shunichi Arai, Yasuhiro Date, Junji Yagi, Jun Kikuchi, Satoshi Tsuneda*:  Meta-analysis of fecal microbiota and metabolites in experimental colitic mice during the inflammatory and healing phases.  Nutrients  9 :1329 , 2017.12   DOI:10.3390/nu9121329
3. Yoshiaki Hasebe, Hiroaki Meguro, Yuuki Kanai, Masahiro Eguchi, Toshifumi Osaka, Satoshi Tsuneda.:  High-Rate Nitrification of Electronic Industry Wastewater by Using Nitrifying Granules.  Water Science and Technology  76 (11) :3171-3180 , 2017.12   DOI:10.2166/wst.2017.431
4. Higuchi T, Haruta I, Shibata N, Yanagisawa N, Yagi J:  Flagellar filament structural protein induces Sjögren's syndrome-like sialadenitis in mice.  Oral diseases  23 (5) :636-643 , 2017.7   DOI:10.1111/odi.12649
5. Kazuichi Isaka*, Yuya Kimura, Masahiro Matsuura, Toshifumi Osaka, Satoshi Tsuneda:  First full-scale nitritation-anammox plant using gel entrapment technology for ammonia plant effluent.  Biochemical Engineering Journal  122 :115-122 , 2017.6   DOI:
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1. 芦野 滋:  Th1/Th17型重症気管支喘息における新規治療標的分子IRF5.  ファルマシア  54 (1) :72 , 2018.1
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Yanagisawa N, Haruta I, Abe Y, Shimizu K, Tokushige K, Yagi J: Symposium 1, Epidemiology and pathogenesis of autoimmune pancreatitis. A mouse model of flagellin-dependent pancreatitis under immune hypersensitivity.  The International Pancreas Research Forum (IPRF),  Matsumoto, Japan,  2017/10
2. ◎TAKEYAMA Kiyoshi, ASHINO Shigeru, ORIMO Kesuke, YAGI Junji, TAMAOKI Jun: Theracurmin®, a highly absorptive nanoparticle curcumin, reduces Th2 inflammatory responses and airway mucus production in ovalbumin-induced murine model of asthma.  American Thoracic Society 2017 International Conference,  Washington, DC, USA,  2017/05
3. 大坂利文、中神朋子、伊藤新、馬場園哲也、八木淳二: 日本人2型糖尿病患者の唾液細菌叢の分子生態解析.  第91回日本細菌学会総会,  福岡,  2018/03
4. ◎Mayu Kaetsu, Toshifumi Osaka, Satoshi Tsuneda, Junji Yagi: Colonic inflammation induces a transient increase in serum LECT2 level.  The 46th annual meeting of the Japanese society for immunology,  Sendai,  2017/12
5. ◎浦瀬香子, 岡田みどり, 八木淳二, 三浦美奈子, 那須実千代, 齋藤加代子: 東京女子医科大学人間関係教育における「看護の医療対話実習」10年間の総括.  第49回日本医学教育学会大会,  札幌, 日本,  2017/08
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 :First Author