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 Department of Physiology, Division of Neurophysiology
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Academic conference presentation


   MIYATA Mariko
Assistant Professor:
   MIDORIKAWA Mitsuharu
   MIYOSHI Goichi
Assistant Professor:
   Moeko Kanaya
   UETA Yoshifumi
   OSAKI Hironobu
   Hisako Nakayama
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
1.    (Grant No.:20H05916)
 Budget amount:\17,500,000  (Principal investigator)
2.    (Grant No.:19H03343)
 Budget amount:\3,400,000  (Principal investigator)
3.    (Grant No.:17H03548)
 Budget amount:\2,200,000  (Principal investigator)
4.    (Grant No.:17K07102)
 Budget amount:\400,000  (Principal investigator)
5.    (Grant No.:20K06862)
 Budget amount:\2,000,000  (Principal investigator)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Mitsuharu Midorikawa*, Mariko Miyata*:  Distinct functional developments of surviving and eliminated presynaptic terminals.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  118 (11) :e2022423118 , 2021.3   DOI:
2. Ueta Yoshifumi*, Miyata Mariko*:  Brainstem local microglia induce whisker map plasticity in the thalamus after peripheral nerve injury.  Cell Reports  34 (10) :108823 , 2021.3   DOI:10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108823
3. Daisuke Ishii*, Hironobu Osaki, Arito Yozu, Kiyoshige Ishibashi, Kenta Kawamura, Satoshi Yamamoto, Mariko Miyata, Yutaka Kohno:  Ipsilesional spatial bias after a focal cerebral infarction in the medial agranular cortex: A mouse model of unilateral spatial neglect.  Behavioural Brain Research  401 :113097 , 2021.3   DOI:
4. Yagasaki Yuki, Katayama Yoko, Kinoshita Yoko, Nagata Tomoaki, kawakami Yoriko, *Miyata Mariko:  Macrophages are activated in the rat anterior pituitary under chronic inflammatory conditions.  Neuroscience letters  748 :1-7 , 2021.2   DOI:
5. Kaori Fujii, Hajime Matsumine*, Hironobu Osaki, Yoshifumi Ueta, Wataru Kamei, Yosuke Niimi, Kazuki Hashimoto, Mariko Miyata, Hiroyuki Sakurai:  Accelerated outgrowth in cross-facial nerve grafts wrapped with adipose-derived stem-cell (ADSC) sheets.  Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine  14 (8) :1087-1099 , 2020.8   DOI:10.1002/term.3083
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎Goichi Miyoshi: FOXG1-dependent early juvenile critical period for autism-associated behavioral circuit.  FOXG1 Science Symposium 2020,  online,  2020/08
2. Midorikawa Mitsuharu, Miyata Mariko: Sensory input dependent and independent development of presynaptic transmitter release mechanisms at lemniscal fiber terminals in the somatosensory thalamus.  第126回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会 / 第98回日本生理学会大会 合同大会,  名古屋,  2021/03
3. ◎Miyata Mariko: The role of tonic GABAergic inhibition for nerve injury-induced afferent
remodeling in the thalamus and associated ectopic sensations.  遺伝研研究会,  オンライン開催,  2020/12
4. ◎植田禎史, 宮田麻理子: 末梢神経損傷に伴う脳幹局所的なミクログリア活性は視床ヒゲマップの可塑的再構築を引き起こす.  2020年度シナプス研究会,  オンライン開催,  2020/12
5. ◎宮田麻理子: 超適応メカニズムを利用した運動野刺激の除痛効果.  新学術領域 A班 班会議,  オンライン開催,  2020/11
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