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Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


   Kikuchi Ken
Associate Professor:
   吉田 敦
Assistant Professor:
   井口 成一
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Kutsuna Ryo, Miyoshi-Akiyama Tohru, Muramatsu Yuki, Hamada Moriyuki, Tomida Junko, Kikuchi Ken, Kawamura Yoshiaki:  Siderophore-producing Pantoea ferrattrahens sp. nov. isolated from a clinical specimen and Pantoea ferramans sp. nov. isolated from soil at the bottom of a pond.  Microbiology and immunology  67 (11) :480-489 , 2023.11   DOI:10.1111/1348-0421.13097
2. Furugaito Michiko, Arai Yuko, Uzawa Yutaka, Kamisako Toshinori, Ogura Kohei, Okamoto Shigefumi, Kikuchi Ken:  Antimicrobial Susceptibility to 27 Drugs and the Molecular Mechanisms of Macrolide, Tetracycline, and Quinolone Resistance in Gemella sp.  Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland)  12 (10) :1-17 , 2023.10   DOI:10.3390/antibiotics12101538
3. ARIMURA Ken, TAGAYA Etsuko, KIKUCHI Ken, MITSUDA Toshihiro, EBIHARA Fumiya, MARUYAMA Takumi, HAMADA Yukihiro, UNAGAMI Kohei, KANAZAWA Taichi, SEKIGUCHI Haruki, SHIMAMOTO Ken, ISHIDA Hideki, EGAWA Hiroto, TANAKA Junji, KAWANA Masatoshi:  The efficacy of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies in transplant recipients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19.  Transplant immunology  77 :101777 , 2023.4   DOI:10.1016/j.trim.2022.101777
Review article
1. ◎菊池賢:  Viridans group streptococci (VGS)感染症を紐解く:味方か敵か、その二面性.  Evolvere  1 (1) :40-46 , 2024.3
Case report
1. Hiruma Takashi, Higuchi Ryosuke, Yamamoto Tomoko, Kikuchi Ken, Nanasato Mamoru:  Pneumococcal infectious aortic aneurysm: A caution for a life-threatening vascular complication caused by non-vaccine-covered serotypes.  Journal of cardiology cases  29 (1) :1-4 , 2024.1   DOI:10.1016/j.jccase.2023.08.015
2. Nishizawa Yoko, Katsura Hideki*, Sasaki yuka, Kudo Ryoma, Kizuki Aki, Horimoto Ai, Ishikawa Motonao, Takagi Kae, Kikuchi Ken, Sakura Hiroshi, Nitta Kosaku, Hoshino Junichi, Ogawa Tetsuya:  Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax in a patient with resistant Mycobacterium abscessus infection and systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease: A case report.  Respiratory Medicine Case Reports  46 :101941 , 2023.11   DOI:10.1016/j.rmcr.2023.101941
3. Kano Yasuhiro, Kikuchi Ken:  Ralstonia mannitolilytica Bacteremia Stemming From Frequent Outpatient Intravenous Injections at a Local Clinic.  Cureus  15 (10) :e47887 , 2023.10   DOI:10.7759/cureus.47887
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■ Books
1. 菊池 賢:  PVL産生MRSA 市中感染型MRSAの変遷.  日本皮膚科学会雑誌  700.  (公社)日本皮膚科学会,  2023.4
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎菊池賢: 見逃してはいけないSTI病原微生物.  第35回日本臨床微生物学会総会,  神奈川県横浜市,  2024/02
2. ◎菊池賢: 梅毒の核酸検出検査の必要性.  第35回日本臨床微生物学会総会,  神奈川県横浜市,  2024/02
3. ◎菊池賢: 急増する性感染症の実態、特に梅毒の現況について.  第36回日本性感染症学会,  東京,  2023/12
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