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Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


Associate Professor:
   YOSHIDA Atsushi
Assistant Professor:
   IGUCHI Shigekazu
Assistant Professor:
   ITAKURA Yasutomo
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
1.    (Grant No.:20fk0108135h)
 Budget amount:\1,300,000  (Co-investigator)
2.    (Grant No.:H-8-2020)
 Budget amount:\520,000  (Co-investigator)
3.    (Grant No.:19K08938)
 Budget amount:\1,000,000  (Principal investigator)
4.    (Grant No.:20K171300002)
 Budget amount:\1,170,000  (Principal investigator)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Kamada Keisuke, Yoshida Atsushi, Iguchi Shigekazu, Arai Yuko, Uzawa Yutaka, Konno Satoshi, Shimojima Masahiro, Kikuchi Ken*:  Geographical distribution and regional differences in 532 clinical isolates of rapidly growing mycobacterial species in Japan.  Scientific reports  11 (1) :4960 , 2021.3   DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-84537-7
2. Matsumoto Airi, Tabata Atsushi, Ohkura Kazuto, Oda Hiroki, Kodama Chihiro, Ohkuni Hisashi, Takao Ayuko, Kikuchi Ken, Tomoyasu Toshifumi, Nagamune Hideaki:  Molecular characteristics of an adhesion molecule containing cholesterol-dependent cytolysin-motif produced by mitis group streptococci.  Microbiology and immunology  65 (2) :61-75 , 2021.2   DOI:10.1111/1348-0421.12868
3. Takashima Masako, Kurakado Sanae, Cho Otomi, Kikuchi Ken, Sugiyama Junta, Sugita Takashi:  Description of four Apiotrichum and two Cutaneotrichosporon species isolated from guano samples from bat-inhabited caves in Japan.  International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology  70 :4458-4469 , 2020.7   DOI:10.1099/ijsem.0.004277
4. Abe Masahiro, Katano Harutaka, Nagi Minoru, Higashi Yoshitsugu, Sato Yuko, Kikuchi Ken, Hasegawa Hideki, Miyazaki Yoshitsugu:  Potency of gastrointestinal colonization and virulence of Candida auris in a murine endogenous candidiasis.  PloS one  15 (12) :e0243223 , 2020   DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0243223
Review article
1. 菊池賢*:  国際的人的交流に関連する感染性疾患ー諸外国における感染症の現況とその対策.  Cefiro  32 :1-2 , 2020.10
2. 菊池 賢*:  【呼吸器・循環器・脳領域で注意すべき感染症と実施すべき予防・ケア】呼吸器・循環器・脳領域で注意すべき感染症.  呼吸・循環・脳実践ケア  41 (4) :23-24 , 2020.6
3. 木村雅友*, 筑後孝章, 板垣裕子, 長嶋洋治, 田子さやか、 菊池 賢:  ヒストプラズマ症.  病理と臨床  38 (5) :449-453 , 2020.4
4. 佐藤えみり、山本智子、李若瑜, 王若珺, 澁谷和俊、長嶋洋治*、菊池賢、野中学:  コクシジオイデス症.  病理と臨床  38 (4) :368-370 , 2020.4
Case report
1. Maeda Yukiko, Toda Kunio, Toi Sono, Yano Tetsundo, Iijima Mutsumi, Shimizu Yuko, Nagashima Yoji, Itakura Yasutomo, Iguchi Shigekazu, Kikuchi Ken, Shibuya Kazutoshi, Nonaka Manabu, Kitagawa Kazuo:  Diagnostic Utility of Polymerase Chain Reaction for Paraffin-embedded Sinus Specimens for Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis Complicated by Internal Carotid Artery Thrombosis and Cerebral Infarction.  Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)  :1-4 , 2021.3   DOI:10.2169/internalmedicine.6809-20
2. Masuda Michiyo, Iijima Mutsumi, Ainoda Yusuke, Hirai Yuji, Kikuchi Ken, Kitagawa Kazuo:  Recurrent infections caused by different species of Neisseria bacteria in a patient with complement seven deficiency.  eNeurologicalSci  22 :100293 , 2021.3   DOI:10.1016/j.ensci.2020.100293
3. Takada Takuma, Hattori Hidetoshi, Kikuchi Noriko, Ichihara Yuki, Saito Satoshi, Endo Natsumi, Iguchi Shigekazu, Yoshida Atsushi, Kikuchi Ken, Niinami Hiroshi, Hagiwara Nobuhisa, Nunoda Shinichi:  Heart transplant candidate with medical complexity in the era of prolonged left ventricular assist device support - A case report.  Journal of cardiology cases  23 (2) :83-86 , 2021.2   DOI:10.1016/j.jccase.2020.09.010
4. Kurokawa Kana, Harada Norihiro, Sasano Hitoshi, Takagi Haruhi, Takei Satomi, Nakamura Ayako, Kamada Keisuke, Yoshida Atsushi, Kikuchi Ken, Takahashi Kazuhisa:  Pulmonary infection due to fluoroquinolone-resistant Mycolicibacterium fortuitum: a case report.  BMC infectious diseases  20 (1) :866 , 2020.11   DOI:10.1186/s12879-020-05596-1
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■ Books
1. 菊池賢, 井口成一, 板倉泰朋:    日本語版 サンフォード感染症治療ガイド2020(第50版)  1-409.  ライフサイエンス出版,  東京都, 2020.8
2. 井口成一:  Candida aurisと薬剤耐性.  臨床検査  803-809.  医学書院,  東京, 2020.7
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎鎌田 啓佑, 吉田 敦, 今野 哲, 菊池 賢: NTMシンポジウムI-疫学と発症病態 なぜ慢性化するのか- 迅速発育型抗酸菌の疫学と遺伝子解析.  第94回日本感染症学会総会,  東京都,  2020/08
2. 加地 大樹, 佐々木 雅一, 大塚 喜人, 菊池 賢: 関東地区におけるMRSAの分子疫学解析.      2021/02
3. 菊池 賢: 新型コロナに立ち向かう細菌学会が成すべき行動と変革.      2021/02
4. 菊池 賢: 新型コロナ下での敗血症診断への提言.      2021/02
5. 高橋 里奈, 鵜澤 豊, 井口 成一, 宇野 浩一, 野口 秋雄, 金子 寛, 佐藤 寿夫, 菊池 賢: 病原因子と生態防御(感染モデル・寄生・免疫・ワクチン)/病原体と感染症 無症候性保菌者由来腸管出血性大腸菌の分子疫学解析.      2021/02
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