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Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


   YAMAMOTO Toshiyuki
   MIYAKE Hidehiko
   SAITOU Kayoko
Assistant Professor:
   ARAKAWA Reiko
   OOTOMO Mari
   KATOU Tamaki
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
1.    (Grant No.:22FC1005)
 Budget amount:\3,250,000  (代表)
2.    (Grant No.:21K07873)
 Budget amount:\1,040,000  (代表)
3.    (Grant No.:20K16610)
 Budget amount:\390,000  (代表)
4.    (Grant No.:23FC1008)
 Budget amount:\800,000  (分担)
5.    (Grant No.:23DA0801)
 Budget amount:\100,000  (分担)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
First authorCorresponding
Co-authorFirst authorCorresponding
Co-author First authorCo-authorFirst authorCo-author PresenterCo-presenterPresenterCo-presenter PresenterCo-presenter
 4 5 6 0 6 11  0 3 0 0  4 11  1 8  1 0
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. SERVAIS Laurent, DAY John W, DE VIVO Darryl C, KIRSCHNER Janbernd, MERCURI Eugenio, MUNTONI Francisco, PROUD Crystal M, SHIEH Perry B, TIZZANO Edurardo F, QUIJANO-ROY Susana, DESGUERRE Isabelle, SAITO Kayoko, FAULKNER Eric, BENGUERBA Kamel M, RAJU Dheeraj, LAMARCA Nicole, SUN Rui, ANDERSON Frederick Anderson A, FINKEL Richard S*:  Real-world outcomes in patients with spinal muscular atrophy treated with onasemnogene abeparvovec monotherapy: Findings from the RESTORE registry.  Journal of neuromuscular diseases  11 (2) :425-442 , 2024.3   DOI:10.3233/JND-230122
2. Chida-Nagai A, Akagawa H, Sawai S, Ma Y-J, Yakuwa S, Muneuch J, Yasuda K, Yamazawa H, Yamamoto T, Takakuwa E, Tomaru U, Furutani Y, Kato T, Harada G, Inai K, Nakanishi T, Manabe A, Takeda A, Jing Z-C:  Identification of PTGIS rare variants in patients with Williams syndrome and severe peripheral pulmonary stenosis.  Journal of the American Heart Association  in press :in press , 2024.3
3. Machida O, Sakamoto H, Shimojima Yamamoto K, Hasegawa Y, Nii S, Okada H, Nishikawa K, Sumimoto S, Nishi E, Okamoto N, Yamamoto T*:  Haploinsufficiency of NKX2-1 is likely to contribute to developmental delay involving 14q13 microdeletions.  Intractable & Rare Disease Research  13 (1) :36-41 , 2024.2   DOI:10.5582/irdr.2023.01119 Link
4. Armengol Victor D, Darras Basil T, Abulaban Ahmad A, Alshehri Ali, Barisic Nina, Ben-Omran Tawfeg, Bernert Guenther, Castiglioni Claudia, Chien Yin-Hsiu, Farrar Michelle A, Kandawasvika Gwendoline, Khadilkar Satish, Mah Jean, Marini-Bettolo Chiara, Osredkar Damjan, Pfeffer Gerald, Piazzon Flavia B, Pitarch Castellano Inmaculada, Quijano-Roy Susana, Saito Kayoko, Shin Jin-Hong, Vázquez-Costa Juan F, Walter Maggie C, Wanigasinghe Jithangi, Xiong Hui, Griggs Robert C, Roy Bhaskar:  Life-Saving Treatments for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Global Access and Availability.  Neurology. Clinical practice  14 (1) :e200224 , 2024.2   DOI:10.1212/CPJ.0000000000200224
5. Yamazaki A, Kuroda T, Kawasak N, Kato K, Shimojima Yamamoto K, Iwasa T, Kuwahara A, Taniguchi T, Takeshita T, Kita Y, Mikami M, Irahara M, Yamamoto T*:  Preimplantation genetic testing using comprehensive genomic copy number analysis is beneficial for balanced translocation carriers.  Journal of Human Genetics  69 (1) :41-45 , 2024.1   DOI:10.1038/s10038-023-01202-9 Link
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Review article
1. 山本俊至:  ダウン症以外の染色体異常.  医学のあゆみ  288 (9) :709-714 , 2024.3
2. 齋藤 加代子, 加藤 環:  【遺伝子診療ホットトピックス】脊髄性筋萎縮症における進歩 発症前診断治療と新生児スクリーニング.  BIO Clinica  38 (13) :1089-1094 , 2023.11
3. 齋藤 加代子:  【エキスパートが教える 小児の薬物治療】疾患別 E.神経筋疾患 脊髄性筋萎縮症.  小児内科  55 (増刊) :594-598 , 2023.11   DOI:
4. 山本俊至:  出生前診断の現状と問題点.  小児科  64 (8) :838-844 , 2023.8
5. 山本俊至:  染色体と遺伝子解析の進歩.  日本医師会雑誌  152 (特1) :S89-S92 , 2023.6
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Case report
1. Shimomura R, Yanagishita T, Ishiguro K, Shichiji M, Sato T, Shimojima Yamamoto K, Nagata M, Ishihara Y, Miyashita Y, Ishigaki K, Nagata S, Asano Y, Yamamoto T*:  Rare mosaic variant of GJA1 in a patient with neurodevelopmental disorder.  Human Genome Variation  11 :2 , 2024.1   DOI:10.1038/s41439-023-00262-9 Link
2. 加藤 環, 横村 守, 浦野 真理, 佐藤 裕子, 芦原 有美, 伊藤 万由里, 松尾 真理, 米衛 ちひろ, 児玉 一男, 小俣 卓, 大久保 幸宗, 冨樫 紀子, 萩野谷 和裕, 室月 淳, 齋藤 加代子:  脊髄性筋萎縮症I型の2例 疾患修飾治療実施における出生前診断と多施設多職種連携の意義.  脳と発達  55 (6) :443-447 , 2023.11
3. Shimojima Yamamoto K, Yoshimura A, Yamamoto T*:  Biallelic KCTD3 nonsense variant derived from paternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 1 in a patient with developmental epileptic encephalopathy and distinctive features.  Human Genome Variation  10 :22 , 2023.8   DOI:10.1038/s41439-023-00250-z Link
4. Tamura T, Shimojima Yamamoto K, Imaizumi T, Yamamoto H, Miyamoto Y, Yagasaki H, Morioka I, Kanno H, Yamamoto T*:  Breakpoint analysis for cytogenetically balanced translocation revealed unexpected complex structural abnormalities and suggested the position effect for MEF2C.  American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A  191 (6) :1632-1638 , 2023.6   DOI: Link
5. Kuroda Y, Matsufuji M, Enomoto Y, Osaka H, Takanashi J-I, Yamamoto T, Numata-Uematsu Y, Tabata K, Kurosawa K, Inoue K:  A de novo U2AF2 heterozygous variant associated with hypomyelinating leukodystrophy.  American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A  191 (8) :2245-2248 , 2023.4   DOI: Link
1. 関沢明彦、山本俊至、柘植あづみ、三上幹男:  【2024年新春特別座談会】出生前検査-過去、現在、未来-公的に議論できるプラットホームが継続的にあることが大切.  Vita  41 (1) :1-24 , 2024.1
2. 山本俊至*:  着床前染色体異数性検査のNGS、aCGH法画像.  日本医師会雑誌  152 (特1) :S4-S6 , 2023.6
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■ Books
1. 山本俊至:  全ゲノム増幅と網羅的ゲノム解析の進歩.  着床前遺伝学的検査(PGT)の最前線と遺伝カウンセリング  33-37.  メディカル ドゥ,  大阪, 2024.1
2. 齋藤加代子, 加藤環, 大友真理:  第3編 疾患別  第2章 In vivo遺伝子治療 第1節 遺伝性疾患 In vivo遺伝子治療 1.脊髄性筋萎縮症における遺伝子治療-臨床試験成績と今後の展望.  遺伝子治療開発研究ハンドブック (第2版)  333-337.  (株)エヌ・ティー・エス,  東京, 2023.4
3. 齋藤加代子:  第43章 筋・末梢神経と結合組織疾患.  小児科学第11版  1024-1048.  文光堂,  東京, 2023.4
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Taichi Imaizumi T, Shimomura R, Machida O, Yanagishita T, Shimojima Yamamoto K, Nagata M, Ishihara Y, Miyashita Y, Asano Y, Yamamoto T: Type 2 congenital generalized lipodystrophy by NOTCH2 variant.  Human Genetics Asia 2023,  東京,  2023/10
2. ◎Shimomura R, Yanagishita T, Ishiguro K, Shichiji M, Sato T, Shimojima Yamamoto K, Ishigaki K, Nagata S, Nagata M, Asano Y, Toshiyuki T: A rare mosaic variant of GJA1 in a patient with neurodevelopmental disorder.  Human Genetics Asia 2023,  東京,  2023/10
3. ◎Yamamoto T, Shimojima Yamamoto K, Yoshimura A, Kanno H: Homozygous KCTD3 nonsense variant due to UPD associated with syndromic developmental epileptic encephalopathy.  Human Genetics Asia 2023,  東京,  2023/10
4. ◎Yamazaki A, Kawasaki N, Kuroda T, Kato K, Takeshita T, Kuwahara A, Iwasa T, Irahara M, Yamamoto T: Efficiency of PGT-SR in chromosomally balanced translocation couples.  Human Genetics Asia 2023,  東京,  2023/10
5. Kato K, Kawasaki N, Hayashi H, Ohata K, Miki T, Usami A, Yamamoto T, Kuroda T: PGT-SR using aCGH and FISH analysis for detecting unbalanced chromosome segments involving less than 5Mb: A Case Report.  Human Genetics Asia 2023,  東京,  2023/10
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