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   Wakabayashi Hidetaka
Assistant Professor:
   冬賀 清香
   中空 真二郎
   新山 美柳
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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 15 2 15 7 9 16  0 3 0 0  14 2  7 1  0 0
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Ito Yusuke, Yoshimura Yoshihiro, Nagano Fumihiko, Matsumoto Ayaka, Wakabayashi Hidetaka:  Association of phasae angle dynamics with sarcopenia and activities of daily living in osteoporotic fracture patients.  Annals of geriatric medicine and research  :1 , 2024.3   DOI:10.4235/agmr.23.0212
2. Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Kakehi Shingo, Mizuno Satoko, Kinoshita Tomoko, Toga Sayaka, Ohtsu Masahiro, Nishioka Shinta, Momosaki Ryo:  Prevalence and prognosis of cachexia according to the Asian Working Group for Cachexia criteria in sarcopenic dysphagia: A retrospective cohort study.  Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.)  122 :112385 , 2024.2   DOI:10.1016/j.nut.2024.112385
3. Togashi Shintaro, Ohinata Hironori, Noguchi Taiji, Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Nakamichi Mariko, Shimizu Akio, Nishioka Shinta, Momosaki Ryo:  Polypharmacy, potentially inappropriate medication, and dysphagia in older inpatients; A multi-center cohort study.  Annals of geriatric medicine and research  :1 , 2024.1   DOI:10.4235/agmr.23.0203
4. Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Kinoshita Shoji, Isowa Tokiko, Sakai Kotomi, Tohara Haruka, Momosaki Ryo:  Impact of motivation for eating habits, appetite and food satisfaction, and food consciousness on food intake and weight loss in older nursing home patients.  Annals of geriatric medicine and research  :1 , 2024.1   DOI:10.4235/agmr.23.0185
5. Shimizu Akio, Ohno Tomohisa, Fujishima Ichiro, Kayashita Jun, Momosaki Ryo, Nishioka Shinta, Wakabayashi Hidetaka:  Impact of Poor Oral Health Status on Swallowing Function Improvement in Older Dysphagic Patients.  Cureus  15 (12) :e51249 , 2023.12   DOI:10.7759/cureus.51249
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Review article
1. 佐藤 晋, 宮崎 慎二郎, 玉木 彰, 吉村 芳弘, 荒井 秀典, 藤原 大, 桂 秀樹, 川越 厚良, 神津 玲, 前田 圭介, 小川 純人, 植木 純, 若林 秀隆:  呼吸サルコペニア 4学会合同ポジションペーパー(二次出版).  呼吸理学療法学  3 (1) :1-20 , 2024.3
2. 若林 秀隆:  【がんと全身性代謝変容 がん悪液質を再定義し、代謝・免疫の変調への早期介入をめざす】サルコペニア治療の最前線.  実験医学  42 (4) :552-555 , 2024.3
3. 戸川 樹希亜, 清水 真澄, 畠田 将行, 渋谷 優花, 杉谷 翔, 射手矢 詠実子, 若林 秀隆:  リハビリテーション 筋強直性ジストロフィー患者への回復期リハビリテーション病棟での栄養と筋肉量の変化 Nutrition support teamでの多角的な関わりを経験して.  難病と在宅ケア  29 (12) :44-47 , 2024.3
4. 若林 秀隆:  【高齢患者のフレイル・サルコペニア予防 はじめてみよう!透析中の運動 患者に渡せる!運動療法ダウンロードシートつき】運動療法と栄養.  透析ケア  30 (2) :117-121 , 2024.2
5. Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Mori Takashi, Nishioka Shinta, Maeda Keisuke, Yoshimura Yoshihiro, Iida Yuki, Shiraishi Ai, Fujiwara Dai:  Psychological aspects of rehabilitation nutrition: A position paper by the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Nutrition (secondary publication).  Journal of general and family medicine  25 (1) :1-9 , 2024.1   DOI:10.1002/jgf2.668
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Case report
1. 志真奈緒子*, 上野敦子, 内尾優, 堀部達也, 横田祥併, 工藤弦, 石戸美妃子, 新川武史, 猪飼哲夫, 若林秀隆:  体外式補助人工心臓装着中から心臓移植後まで継続して理学療法介入した拡張型心筋症の乳児症例.  理学療法学  50 (3) :92-97 , 2023.6   DOI:
1. Yoshimura Yoshihiro, Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Nagano Fumihiko, Matsumoto Ayaka, Shimazu Sayuri, Shiraishi Ai, Kido Yoshifumi, Bise Takahiro, Hori Kota, Yoneda Koki:  Reply to the Letter to the Editor - "Phase angle is associated with sarcopenic obesity in post-stroke patients".  Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)  :1 , 2023.11   DOI:10.1016/j.clnu.2023.11.021
2. Wakabayashi Hidetaka:  Triad of rehabilitation, nutrition, and oral management for sarcopenic dysphagia in older people.  Geriatrics & gerontology international  :1 , 2023.8   DOI:10.1111/ggi.14651
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■ Books
1. 吉村芳弘, 若林秀隆, 松本彩加:    PT・OT・STのためのリハビリテーション薬剤 生活機能をより高める“リハ薬剤”  1-244.  医歯薬出版株式会社,  東京, 2024.3
2. 若林秀隆:    現場発! 管理栄養士のための臨床研究Tips  1-168.  医歯薬出版株式会社,  東京, 2023.8
3. 若林秀隆:    ポジティブ心理学とリハビリテーション栄養 強みを活かす!ポジティブリハ栄養  1-168.  医歯薬出版株式会社,  東京, 2023.7
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Hidetaka Wakabayashi, Junko Ueshima, Fumihiko Nagano, Keisuke Maeda, Hidenori Arai: Effects of non-pharmacologic therapies for the prevention of frailty in older adults: an umbrella review.  14th annual ICFSR Conference of the International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research,  アルバカーキ,  2024/03
2. Wakabayashi Hidetaka: Stroke-related sarcopenia and sarcopenic dysphagia.  SCWD virtual updare 2023- The year in cachexia and sarcopenia,  Online,  2023/12
3. Hidetaka Wakabayashi: Rehabilitation nutrition for sarcopenia and sarcopenic dysphagia.  The 3rd Japan-France Space Nutrition & Medicine Symposium,  京都,  2023/11
4. Hidetaka Wakabayashi: Sarcopenic Dysphagia: Diagnosis and Treatment with Rehabilitation Nutrition.  The 9th Asian Conference for Frailty and Sarcopenia,  シンガポール,  2023/10
5. Hidetaka Wakabayashi: Oral frailty and KT index.  The 9th Asian Conference for Frailty and Sarcopenia,  シンガポール,  2023/10
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