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Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Academic conference presentation


   Ando Tomohiro
Associate Professor:
   OKAMOTO Toshihiro
Assistant Professor:
   佐々木 亮
   深田 健治
Assistant Professor:
   宇田川 源
   KAIBUCHI Nobuyuki
   島崎 士
   鈴木 亮広
   高山 千瑛
   Naganawa Takuya
   宮本 範子
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. FUKUZAWA Satoshi, HOSHI Keika, OKAMOTO Toshihiro, ANDO Tomohiro:  development and validation of oral bleedinng risk scoring system for prediction post tooth extraction bleeding in patients under going treatment with warfarin.  TWMUJ Advance Publication  :1-10 , 2019.2   DOI:10.24488/twmuj.2018001
2. Watanabe Yorikatsu, Sasaki Ryo, Matsuno Isao, Akizuki Tanetaka:  Surgery-First Orthognathic Surgery for Severe Facial
Asymmetry Combined With Mandibular Distraction
Osteogenesis Using a 3-Dimensional Internal Distractor.  Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  30 (1) :39-46-46 , 2019.1   DOI:10.1097/SCS.0000000000004929
3. IWATA Takanori*, YAMATO Masayuki, WASHIO Kaoru, YOSHIDA Toshiyuki, TSUMANUMA Yuka, YAMADA Azusa, ONIZUKA Satoru, ISHIKAWA Isao, ANDO Tomohiro, OKANO Teruo*, IZUMI Yuichi:  Periodontal regeneration with autologous periodontal ligament-derived cell sheets - A safety and efficacy study in ten patients.  Regenerative Therapy  9 :38-44 , 2018.12   DOI:10.1016/j.reth.2018.07.002
4. 金子一朗, 貝淵信之, 管野貴浩, 辰己博人, 松田悠平, 狩野正明, 秀島克己, 岩田隆紀:  口蓋全層欠損への創傷被覆再建材料としての歯肉由来間葉系細胞シートの有用性に関する検討.  バイオインテグレーション学会誌  8 :111-118 , 2018.10
5. Udagawa Gen*, Baad-Hansen Lene, Naganawa Takuya, Ando Tomohiro, Svensson Peter:  Characteristics of glutamate-evoked pain in the masseter region: Differences between targeted injections in subcutis, muscle and at bone surface.  Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache  32 (4) :418-427 , 2018.9   DOI:10.11607/ofph.2042
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Case report
1. 福澤智, 岡本俊宏, 菅原規江, 藤本泰広, 片岡利之, 安藤智博:  出血による貧血を伴った巨細胞性エプーリスの1例.  日本口腔外科学会雑誌  64 (12) :703-707 , 2018.12
2. Okamoto Toshihiro, Tanaka Masaru, Kaibuchi Nobuyuki, Kuwazawa Takaho, Ando Tomohiro:  Correlation between dermoscopic and histopathological findings of leucoplakia of the tongue: a case report.  The British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery  56 :758-760 , 2018.8   DOI:10.1016/j.bjoms.2018.08.007
3. Sasaki Ryo, Okamoto Toshihiro, Sangu Noriko, Yorikatsu Watanabe, Ando Tomohiro:  Genial Tubercle Fracture.  Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  :in press , 2018
1. Sasaki Ryo, Matsumine Miki:  Unusual natal tooth.  Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Global Open  :in press , 2018 Link
2. Sasaki Ryo*, Okamoto Toshihiro, Yorikatsu Watanabe, Kagawa Chie, Ando Tomohiro:  Congenital granular cell epulis.  Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open  :in press , 2018
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Sasaki Ryo, Okamoto Toshihiro, Watanabe Yorikatsu, Akagi Yuichi, Hirai Rintaro, Akizuki Tanetaka, Ando Tomohiro: Mandibular condyle fractures treated by the Innsbruck style retromandibular anterior transparotid (RAT) approach combined with the triangular-positioned double miniplate osteosynthesis technique: A retrospective review of 20 fractures.  13th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,  Taipei, Taiwan,  2018/11
2. Kawase-Koga Y, Fujii Y, Sato M, Yamakawa D, Kono M, Watanabe M, Satomi T, Chikazu D: Identification of neurosphere generation from human dental pulp stem cells in xeno-and serum-free condition.  The 13th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,  Taipei, Taiwan,  2018/11
3. ◎片岡利之: 臼後部に発生した明細胞型粘表皮癌の1例.  口腔腫瘍学会,  長崎,  2019/01
4. 佐々木亮, 渡辺頼勝, 松野功, 安藤智博, 秋月種高: Segmental maxillomandibular rotational advancement(SMMRA)を行った閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群の1例.  第17回日本睡眠歯科学会総会・学術集会,  つくば市,  2018/11
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