キバヤシ カズヒコ   KIBAYASHI Kazuhiko
  木林 和彦
   所属   医学部 医学科
   職種   教授・基幹分野長
Language English
Title Experimental study of exacerbation of traumatic brain injury in the presence of diabetes mellitus.
Conference The 3rd Joint Symposium of the International and National Neurotruma Societies and AANS/CNC Section on Neurotrauma and Critical Care (NEUROTRAUMA 2018)
Conference Type International society and overseas society
Presentation Type Poster notice
Lecture Type General
Publisher and common publisher◎TATARA Yuki, KIBAYASHI Kazuhiko, SHIMADA Ryo
Date 2018/08/11
(city and name of the country)
Toronto, Canada
Society abstract J Neurotrauma 35,A-59 2018