Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine
Language Japanese
Title The 74th General Meeting of the Society of Tokyo Women's Medical University: TWIns symposium (4) Neurosurgery using high-tech devices in intelligent operating theater
Conference Type Nationwide Conferences
Presentation Type Speech
Lecture Type Panelist at Symposium/Workshop (Appointed)
Date 2008/09/27
Society abstract 東京女子医科大学雑誌 79(3),103-107 2009
Summary Neurosurgery in the 21st century is expected to be both surgically effective and safe. To improve the safety of the neurosurgical procedures, there is a need for surgeons to constantly analyze their individual surgical techniques and continuously learn from surgical complications that might occur. However, these efforts may have limitations, because the analysis of the complications is usually performed retrospectively and subjectively . Here we present the concept of "information-guided surgery", which provides objective intraoperative data based on "gold standards" such as neuroimaging and neurophysiological monitoring, which allows surgeons to make an appropriate intraoperative decision using immediate feedback of intraoperative information. More specifically, the anatomical and morphological data regarding the region of interest and surrounding brain, as well as positional data of surgical manipulations, are obtained with intraoperative MRI (0.3 Tesla) and updated surgical navigation. Neurological information is monitored during awake craniotomy or by neurophysiological monitoring under general anesthesia. Using such strategies we operated on 650 patients with various pathologies, mainly intra-axial lesion like gliomas, from March 2000 to September 2008. In gliomas, we were able to attain high resection rate, because of clear visualization of the residual tumor with intraoperative MRI. Modern surgical principles based on the concept of "information-guided surgery" using intraoperative imaging and neurophysiological monitoring helps to optimize surgical results.
NAID(CiNii) 110007090066