SASAKI Daisuke
   Department   Graduate School of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medical Science
   Position   Assistant Professor (Fixed Term)
Language English
Title iPS cell-derived cardiac tissue from dilated cardiomyopathy patients with lamin variant showed impaired systolic function.
Conference American Heart Assosiation Scientific Session 2019
Conference Type International society and overseas society
Presentation Type Poster notice
Lecture Type General
Publisher and common publisher◎MIURA Koichiro, MATSUURA Katsuhisa, FURUTANI Yoshiyuki, HAYAMA Emiko, YAMASAKI Yu, SASAKI Daisuke, ITO Masamichi, MORITA Hiroyuki, TOYODA Masashi, UMEZAWA Akihiro, NAKANISHI Toshio, HAGIWARA Nobuhisa, KOMURO Issei, SHIMIZU Tatsuya
Date 2019/11/17
(city and name of the country)
Philadelphia, USA