OMORI Teppei
   Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine
Language English
Title Examination of postoperative complication according to the operative method for the Ulcerative Colitis
Conference Asian IBD Symposium Seoul 2012
Conference Type International society and overseas society
Presentation Type Poster notice
Lecture Type General
Publisher and common publisher◎HASHIMOTO Takuzo, ITABASHI Michio, OGAWA Shinnpei, HIROSAWA Tomoichiro, BANNBA Yoshiko,YAMAGUCHI Sanae, SUZUKI Shigetomo, SASAKI Mamiko, SEKI Chizuka, AISAKA Akane, ITO Ayumi, OOMORI Teppei, YONEZAWA Maria, IIZUKA Bunnei, TATEMOTO Keiko, KAMEOKA Shingo
Date 2012/11/03
(city and name of the country)
Seoul, Korea
Society abstract Asian IBD Symposium Seoul 2012 139
Summary Background: Ulcerative Colitis (UC) has no characteristic anal lesions but secondary lesions different from Crohn disease. However, there are a few cases forced ileostomy by postoperative complication even if proctocolectomy with ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IAA) and ileal pouch anal canal anastomosis (IACA). We examinated about the postoperative complication in UC according to patient factor and operative method.
Method: We conducted 117 cases of UC patients who underwent anal preserving operation in our institution between 2000 and February, 2012 ( IAA 47 cases, IACA 70 cases ).
Result: (Examination acording to operative method) There were not significant difference between IAA and IACA in gender, age at onset, operative age, and BMI, presence of complication. However, there were significant difference between IAA and IACA in the reasons for operation (cancer vs intractable) and the period during onset to operation adaptation. (Examination of a complication) There were not significant difference between presence and absence of complications in gender, age at onset, operative age, and BMI. However, there were significant difference between presence and absence of complications in a period from first operation to ileostomy closure. (The postoperative complication that according to operative method) We had 45 cases of postoperative complication. The distribution was 18 pouchitis, 8 proctostenosis, 3 anal fistula, 6 cuffititis, 4 leakage, one anal pain, 3 vaginal fistula and 2 ileus cases. We investigated these complications according to the operative method, but there were no significant difference between IAA and IACA. However, there were tendency that pouchitis and cuffititis in IACA, and proctostenosis in IAA. In addition, 4 cases had severe complications and necessity for reconstruction after ileostomy closure.
Conclusion: In determination the operative moethod for UC, it is important to considering risk and benefit of the operative method as well as patient factors.