ノナカ マナブ   NONAKA Manabu
  野中 学
   所属   医学部 医学科(東京女子医科大学病院)
   職種   教授・基幹分野長
論文種別 症例報告
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Diagnostic Utility of Polymerase Chain Reaction for Paraffin-embedded Sinus Specimens for Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis Complicated by Internal Carotid Artery Thrombosis and Cerebral Infarction.
掲載誌名 正式名:Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)
略  称:Intern Med
巻・号・頁 pp.1-4
総ページ数 4
著者・共著者 Maeda Yukiko, Toda Kunio, Toi Sono, Yano Tetsundo, Iijima Mutsumi, Shimizu Yuko, Nagashima Yoji, Itakura Yasutomo, Iguchi Shigekazu, Kikuchi Ken, Shibuya Kazutoshi, Nonaka Manabu, Kitagawa Kazuo
発行年月 2021/03
概要 We herein report a 73-year-old man who experienced cerebral infarction caused by infection with a Mucromycocetes species. A delay in anti-fungal treatment might result in a lethal clinical outcome. We were unable to establish an accurate diagnosis based on histological findings and cerebrospinal fluid culture. Therefore, we performed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using paraffin-embedded specimens, and based on the findings, successfully started administering anti-fungal treatment. We suggest that PCR using sinus specimens be applied when mucormycosis is suspected as an etiology of cerebral infarction and a confirmative diagnosis cannot be established based on the results of pathological examinations or cerebrospinal fluid culture.
DOI 10.2169/internalmedicine.6809-20
PMID 33678746