Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine
   Position   Endowed Professor
Article types Case report
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title Unique abdominal twiddler syndrome.
Journal Formal name:Journal of arrhythmia
Abbreviation:J Arrhythm
ISSN code:1880-4276/1883-2148
Domestic / ForeginDomestic
Publisher Japanese Heart Rhythm Society
Volume, Issue, Page 35(1),pp.142-144
Author and coauthor HIGUCHI Satoshi†, SHODA Morio*, SATOMI Natsuko, IWANAMI Yuji, YAGISHITA Daigo, EJIMA Koichiro, HAGIWARA Nobuhisa
Authorship Corresponding author
Publication date 2019/02
Summary Twiddler syndrome is an uncommon complication that occurs by twisting of the generator and may cause torsion, dislodgement, and injury of the leads. We report a rare case of a twiddler syndrome associated with an abdominal permanent pacemaker. Abdominal twiddler syndrome may possess a unique mechanism, which may not be seen in chest twiddler syndrome.
DOI 10.1002/joa3.12133
PMID 30805057