Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine
   Position   Professor
Article types Original article
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title Safety and efficacy of cell-free and concentrated ascites reinfusion therapy (CART) in refractory ascites: Post-marketing surveillance results.
Journal Formal name:PloS one
Abbreviation:PLoS One
ISSN code:(1932-6203)1932-6203(Linking)
Domestic / ForeginForegin
Volume, Issue, Page 12(5),pp.e0177303
Author and coauthor Hanafusa Norio, Isoai Ayako, Ishihara Tomoaki, Inoue Tetsuya, Ishitani Ken, Utsugisawa Taiju, Yamaka Toshihiko, Ito Tetsuya, Sugiyama Hiroshi, Arakawa Atsushi, Yamada Yosuke, Itano Yasuo, Onodera Hirokazu, Kobayashi Ryosuke, Torii Naoko, Numata Toyoko, Kashiwabara Taihei, Matsuno Yoshihiro, Kato Michio
Publication date 2017/05
Summary We performed post-marketing surveillance to evaluate the safety and efficacy of cell-free and concentrated ascites reinfusion therapy (CART). In total, 356 CART sessions in 147 patients at 22 centers were performed. The most common primary disease was cancer (128 cases, 300 sessions). Mean amount of ascites collected was 3.7 L, and mean concentration ratio was 9.2. Mean amount of reinfused protein was 67.8 g (recovery rate, 72.0%). Performance status, dietary intake, urine volume, body weight and abdominal circumference were significantly improved after CART. Body temperature increased significantly, by 0.3°C on average. Concomitant steroids and/or NSAIDs use before reinfusion was significantly and negatively associated with increases in body temperature. Most adverse events were fever and chills. This study examined a large number of patients compared with previous studies, and showed that CART is an effective and relatively safe treatment for refractory ascites, such as malignant ascites.
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0177303
PMID 28510606