八巻 隆
   Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Adachi Medical Center), School of Medicine
   Position   Professor
Article types Case report
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title Functional reconstruction of forehead with microneurovascular transfer of attenuated and broadened gracilis muscle.
Journal Formal name:British journal of plastic surgery
Abbreviation:Br J Plast Surg
ISSN code:0007-1226(Print)0007-1226(Linking)
Volume, Issue, Page 51(4),pp.313-6
Author and coauthor Sasaki K, Nozaki M, Nada Y, Yamaki T
Authorship Last author
Publication date 1998/06
Summary Reconstruction of the frontalis muscle is difficult because it is very thin and broad. A technique is described to reconstruct the frontalis muscle with microneurovascular transfer of the gracilis muscle broadened and thinned. This technique is applicable to cases with a large, full-thickness skin defect of the forehead after tumour excision or trauma.
DOI 10.1054/bjps.1997.0304
Document No. 9771351