YAMATO Masayuki
   Department   Graduate School of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medical Science
   Position   Professor
Article types Other
Language English
Peer review Non peer reviewed
Title Fabrication of transplantable corneal epithelial and oral mucosal epithelial cell sheets using a novel temperature-responsive closed culture device.
Journal Formal name:Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
Abbreviation:J Tissue Eng Regen Med
ISSN code:19327005/19326254
Domestic / ForeginForegin
Volume, Issue, Page 9(5),pp.637-640
Author and coauthor NAKAJIMA Ryota†, KOBAYASHI Toyoshige, KIKUCHI Tetsutaro, KITANO Yuriko, WATANABE Hiroya, MIZUTANI Manabu, NOZAKI Takayuki, SENDA Naoko, SAITO Kazuo, TAKAGI Ryo, YAMATO Masayuki, OKANO Teruo, TAKEDA Shizu*
Publication date 2015/05
Summary Temperature-responsive culture surfaces make it possible to harvest transplantable carrier-free cell sheets. Here, we applied temperature-responsive polymer for polycarbonate surfaces with previously developed closed culture devices for an automated culture system in order to fabricate transplantable stratified epithelial cell sheets. Histological and immunohistochemical analyses and colony-forming assays revealed that corneal epithelial and oral mucosal epithelial cell sheets could be harvested with the temperature-responsive closed culture devices. The results were similar to those obtained using temperature-responsive culture inserts. These results indicate that the novel temperature-responsive closed culture device is useful for fabricating transplantable stratified epithelial cell sheets.
DOI 10.1002/term.1728
PMID 23475606