ヤマト マサユキ   Yamato Masayuki
  大和 雅之
   所属   医学研究科 医学研究科 (医学部医学科をご参照ください)
   職種   教授
論文種別 原著
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Transportation of transplantable cell sheets fabricated with temperature-responsive culture surfaces for regenerative medicine.
掲載誌名 正式名:Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
略  称:J Tissue Eng Regen Med
巻・号・頁 2(4),pp.190-5
著者・共著者 Nozaki Takayuki†, Yamato Masayuki, Inuma Toshiaki, Nishida Kohji, Okano Teruo*
発行年月 2008/05
概要 Here we report transportation of cell sheets fabricated on temperature-responsive culture surfaces for regenerative medicine. On the surfaces cells adhere, spread and proliferate at 37 degrees C, but upon temperature reduction below 32 degrees C all the cells are spontaneously detached. When cells on the surfaces are challenged by long distance transportation, maintaining the temperature is critical. Therefore, we developed a portable homothermal container to keep the inner temperature at 36 degrees C for > 30 h without any need for batteries or energy supply. We transported and compared fibroblast sheets cultured on temperature-responsive surfaces in the container, at room temperature in a car, or on ice. After 8 h transportation by car, all cells at room temperature and on ice were detached from the surfaces and some were folded and broken into tiny pieces. On the other hand, fibroblast sheets transported in the container retained their adhesion to the dish surfaces and intact cell sheets were successfully harvested by temperature reduction. During the transportation, cell viability and histology were not impaired. This unique transportation device would be useful for cell sheet-based regenerative medicine utilizing temperature-responsive culture surfaces.
DOI 10.1002/term.80
PMID 18493908