Department   School of Medicine, School of Medicine
   Position   Professor and Division head
Article types Original article
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title Effect of sub-inhibitory concentrations of clarithromycin and erythromycin on the production of Staphylococcus aureus capsules.
Journal Formal name:Journal of chemotherapy (Florence, Italy)
Abbreviation:J Chemother
ISSN code:(1120-009X)1120-009X(Linking)
Domestic / ForeginForegin
Volume, Issue, Page 7 Suppl 4,pp.9-11
Author and coauthor Ohtomo T, Ohshima Y, Usui Y, Ichiman Y, Yanagisawa N, Yokota E, Shimada J
Publication date 1995/11
PMID 8904089