クマキリ ジユン
熊切 順 所属 医学部 医学科(東京女子医科大学病院) 職種 教授 |
論文種別 | 症例報告 |
言語種別 | 英語 |
査読の有無 | 査読あり |
表題 | Should sexual intercourse be avoided during the embryo transfer cycle? Life-threatening ruptured heterotopic pregnancy after single thawed embryo transfer: case report and review of the literature. |
掲載誌名 | 正式名:Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology 略 称:Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol ISSNコード:03906663/03906663 |
掲載区分 | 国外 |
巻・号・頁 | 44(3),pp.489-491 |
著者・共著者 | Aoki Y, Kumakiri J, Itakura A, Kikuchi I, Takahashi N, Satoru T |
発行年月 | 2017 |
概要 | BACKGROUND:To report the life-threatening complication of a raptured heterotopic pregnancy occurring from thawed single embryo transfer.CASE REPORT:A 33-year-old woman underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF) under a step-up regimen. After oocyte collection, blastocysts were frozen, and a single frozen-thawed blastocyst was then transferred according to the natural cycle. On day 17 after embryo transfer, an intrauterine pregnancy was confirmed. On day 28, she complained of sudden abdominal pain and ultrasonography revealed marked fluid retention in the peritoneal cavity. Emergency laparoscopy was performed, revealing hemoperitoneum and a ruptured interstitial heterotopic pregnancy (HP), which was then resected laparoscopically. Because sexual intercourse had occurred shortly before the transfer, a HP comprising a spontaneous pregnancy and a pregnancy achieved by assisted reproductive technology was assumed. The fetus in the uterus survived and was delivered.CONCLUSION:In this case, however, despite the single embryo transfer during the natural-cycle frozen-thawed embryo transfer process, the risk of life-threatening complication as a HP as a consequence of spontaneous pregnancy after sexual intercourse remained. |
PMID | 29949304 |