SEKINE Hidekazu
   Department   Graduate School of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medical Science
   Position   Associate Professor
Article types Original article
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title Sticker method for preparation of frozen section using adhesive film.
Journal Formal name:Journal of neuroscience methods
Abbreviation:J Neurosci Methods
ISSN code:(1872-678X)0165-0270(Linking)
Domestic / ForeginForegin
Publisher Elsevier
Volume, Issue, Page 328,pp.108436
Author and coauthor RYU Bike†, SEKINE Hidekazu*, KAWAMATA Takakazu, SHIMIZU Tatsuya
Authorship 2nd author,Corresponding author
Publication date 2019/12
Summary The sticker method using adhesive films is characterized by a shortened preparation time and increased success rate of frozen section compared with conventional method.
DOI 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2019.108436
PMID 31526765