Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine
   Position   Professor and Division head
Article types Original article
Language English
Peer review Non peer reviewed
Title Apolipoprotein E-associated Lipoprotein Glomerulo-tubulopathy.
Journal Formal name:Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)
Abbreviation:Intern Med
ISSN code:09182918/13497235
Volume, Issue, Page 62(15),pp.2209-2214
Author and coauthor Tanimizu Hikaru, Hara Risa, Sekine Akinari, Inoue Noriko, Hasegawa Eiko, Tanaka Kiho, Kono Kei, Kinowaki Keiichi, Ohashi Kenichi, Okubo Minoru, Yamaguchi Yutaka, Kang Dedong, Honda Kazuho, Saito Takao, Sawa Naoki, Ubara Yoshifumi, Hoshino Junichi
Authorship Last author,Corresponding author
Publication date 2023/08/01
Summary A 32-year-old man was admitted for the evaluation of proteinuria (5.69 g/day). A light microscopic examination showed markedly dilated glomerular capillary loops with vacuolated areas in many glomeruli, and vacuolated areas were seen on peritubular capillaries in the tubulointerstitium. When electron microscopy specimens prepared by pre-fixation with glutaraldehyde and post-fixation with osmium tetroxide were used for oil red staining, the deposition was confirmed on the affected areas. A genetic analysis of apoE showed that the lipoprotein glomerulopathy was due to apoE-Sendai (Arg145Pro, p.R163P) heterozygosity, which was found in not only the patient but also his mother and twin brother.
DOI 10.2169/internalmedicine.0834-22
PMID 37532513