ナカジマ ヨシユキ   NAKAJIMA Yoshiyuki
  中島 義之
   所属   医学部 医学科(附属八千代医療センター)
   職種   准教授
論文種別 原著
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 The impact of intrauterine infection on fetal brain damage assessed by S100B protein concentrations in umbilical cord arteries.
掲載誌名 正式名:The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians
略  称:J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med
巻・号・頁 29(15),pp.2464-9
著者・共著者 Masaoka Naoki, Nakajima Yoshiyuki, Morooka Masako, Tashiro Hidefumi, Wada Masami, Maruta Kana, Iwane Eriko, Yamashiro Miwako
発行年月 2016
概要 OBJECTIVE:To assess the impact of intrauterine infection on fetal brain damage by measuring S100B protein concentration in umbilical cord arteries.METHODS:In the intrauterine infection cases determined by pathology of 25 deliveries (Group I) and non-infection cases of 35 deliveries as control (Group C), we compared gestational age at delivery, birth weight, fetal heart rate monitoring during labor, Apgar score, umbilical cord artery pH and S100B protein concentrations in umbilical arteries measured by two-site immunoradiometric assay kit.RESULTS:(1) There was no significant correlation between pH and concentration of S100B protein. (2) Gestational age at delivery was found to be earlier in Group I, resulting in lower birth weights, when compared with Group C. (3) There was no significant difference between two groups concerning Apgar scores, pH. (4) S100B protein concentrations in Group I was significantly higher than those of Group C (3.9 7 ± 0.66 versus 1.8 9 ± 0.56 μg/L, p < 0.05). (5) The concentration of S100B protein in severe chorioamnionitis (CAM) cases were significantly higher than those of mild CAM and control cases.CONCLUSION:Higher concentration of S100B protein in Group I suggests that intrauterine infection itself has a serious risk factor on fetal brain damage.
DOI 10.3109/14767058.2015.1087501
PMID 26421445