Department   Graduate School of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medical Science
   Position   Assistant Professor
Article types Other
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Presence of invitation Invited paper
Title Selective cell adhesion and detachment on antibody-immobilized thermoresponsive surfaces by temperature changes
Journal Formal name:Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics
ISSN code:0915-3942
Domestic / ForeginDomestic
Volume, Issue, Page 25(4),pp.637-643
Author and coauthor Kobayashi Jun†, Nishi Masanori, Akiyama Yoshikatsu, Yamato Masayuki, Yajima Hirofumi, Okano Teruo*
Authorship Lead author
Publication date 2013/08
DOI 10.20965/jrm.2013.p0637