ノナカ コウイチ
NONAKA Kouichi
野中 康一 所属 医学部 医学科(東京女子医科大学病院) 職種 教授 |
論文種別 | 症例報告 |
言語種別 | 英語 |
査読の有無 | 査読なし |
表題 | Gastric Signet-Ring Cell Carcinoma That Presented as an Elevated Lesion due to Fibromuscular Obliteration in the Lamina Propria. |
掲載誌名 | 正式名:Case reports in gastrointestinal medicine 略 称:Case Rep Gastrointest Med ISSNコード:20906528 |
掲載区分 | 国外 |
巻・号・頁 | 2021,pp.2887256 |
著者・共著者 | MISUMI Yoshitsugu, NONAKA Kouichi, ONIZUKA Hiromi, NAGASHIMA Yoji |
担当区分 | 2nd著者 |
発行年月 | 2021/11 |
概要 | The widespread use of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy in recent years has reduced the H. pylori infection rate, indicating that gastric cancer cases diagnosed in the future may be H. pylori-naïve. The typical endoscopic presentation of signet-ring cell carcinoma, which accounts for the majority of H. pylori-naïve gastric cancer cases, is a discolored, flat, or depressed lesion; it is rarely presented as an elevated lesion. In this study, we treated a patient with elevated signet-ring cell carcinoma in an H. pylori-naïve stomach. Histopathological testing after endoscopic submucosal dissection showed proliferation of fibromuscular tissue in the tumor, which may have caused the formation of the elevated lesion. |
DOI | 10.1155/2021/2887256 |
PMID | 34868690 |